Shark DNA may have the cure for cancer - Advanced Prostate...

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Shark DNA may have the cure for cancer

bboby profile image
22 Replies

Great white sharks have miraculous self-repairing DNA that protects them from the deadly disease — and scientists want to use it to cure sick people, according to a new study.

I know a restaurant have Shark soup in their menu .


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bboby profile image
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22 Replies
NPfisherman profile image

Thanks for posting, Bob...maybe it takes a man eater to kill a man eater... Great White Shark meet Advanced Prostate Cancer....


billyboy3 profile image

God I hate these comments. It gives false hope to those in need. MEN, there is NO cure for advanced prostate cancer so stop trying for some magic cure-do you think if it was true, the whole world would know!!!!!!

bboby profile image
bboby in reply to billyboy3

I provided this article for information , not to create false hope. We also need to be positive . This is a support group.


Moespy profile image
Moespy in reply to billyboy3


It looks like the cure for cancer will likely come from immunotherapy (so we all hope). Studying DNA in all forms could help scientists get to our cure. This is a very frustrating disease to have but let's not beat each other up for posting articles of hope. While the article did not provide a lot of substance it was an interesting read.

Peace Brother!


TommyTV profile image

The urban myth that sharks don’t get cancer gets repeated as if it’s a scientific fact by misinformed media.

bboby profile image

Self repairing DNA , if can be achieved in humans will prevent cancer. Doesn’t hurt if someone look into it .

billyboy3 profile image

ok, point taken, that said, many who come to this site want to get information on how to stay alive as long as possible, coupled with of course, in applicable cases, be cured.

My objection to your bringing this up, as do others, is it gives FALSE hope and ends up with far too many men and their loved ones, going in circles instead of focusing on the best treatment for them. These false claims also put a heavy burden on the care givers tho must, REPEATEDLY, deal with these smoke and mirror claims, and further inhibits men from active treatment and the gain false claim by too many, that there is a cure, it is just being kept from us by those who treat us.

Do some support work and then come back to me with your thoughts, after you have seen men die because they went the route of believing the false claims of treatment, instead of getting onto proper treatment.

There is a narrow gap between a cure for some, and to end up on death row, and they lose this possible cure by being led to try things like shark etc. Some also delay getting back onto active treatment when PC reoccurs, and again, go off into never never land, which of course does nothing but take their money, and delay giving them the best treatment to stay alive the longest.

billyboy3 profile image

It was not my intent to beat anyone up boys but I cannot nor will not stand by while I see the charlatans abuse those in need. That is not supporting anyone but those who make money off the books, bottles of crap etc. yet yield zero in actual truth.

It is hard enough to get a man to to start treatment asap, without throwing out the claims that only make it harder, hope you get the point I am making. I have two guys right now who are trying all sorts of hocus pocus, instead of getting on with what we know works-as limited as that is presently.

I have a Men's centre and have been at this nineteen years, so have watched the circus, i.e. in other words, the cycle that men go through upon diagnosis and then, if not cured, to enter into the second phase of life with an incurable disease. The sooner that men accept the realities of this battle with PC, the sooner they help themselves to the only treatments known at this point in time.

bboby profile image
bboby in reply to billyboy3

Hi Billy

I don’t know why you feel so strong about this ? False Hope ? The article only suggest if scientist can one day duplicate something similar to what shark do to repair their gene . It solve the cancer problem.

That’s the way most studies starts , by an idea. It may work or may not. The article doesn’t say they already got some drug or a solution. I am in hospice now , have no false hope.


monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to bboby

Did not know you were in hospice. I do hope you are comfortable.

Graham49 profile image

I think the Newyork Post is getting ahead of itself. The abstract of the scientific paper does not mention cancer. It mentions wound healing, genome stability and olfactory ability.

Any restaurant that serves shark fin soup should be exposed and boycotted. Shark killed just for the fin and the body thrown away -- what a waste. Horrible.

in reply to


monte1111 profile image

bboby and billyboy3, I liked you both. And I still like you both. We are all after that same rainbow's end. Enjoy yourself along the way.

in reply to monte1111

I agree monte1111.. someone might be in a hospital bed reading this as we speak . like the author of this post . We ‘re all in a fight. No room to down others opinions . They might benifit from constructive criticism with a smile.

Sxrxrnr1 profile image

PCa in general is a disease of older men, as are cancers of all variations in older humans,, of course there are exceptions.

Perhaps this report will suggest why cancers in sharks is uncommon,,,they do not live long enough to get it. When human life expectancy was 30 to perhaps 40 years, I suspect that PCa and other cancers were even less common than that of sharks.

Like many/most studies and/or trials, it often is of more interest what is left out than what is included.


bboby. Oh boy . Many untold answers still are to be found in the sea. I believe this. I had shark fin , and bird nests soup at an super high end Chinese restaurant in LA. Was good then . Now we know how brutally they cut the fins and let the sharks die .. I wont eat it again . Everything is quackery until proven . Every crazy inventor is nuts until success , ..... it is very interesting. Nobody deserves to be put down for expressing ideas . Especially you brother . How are you doing man ? I’m in AZ with snow ..hope today is good ..

j-o-h-n profile image

Unfortunately at this time the only Total Cure for Pca is the Big Sleep.

Like a hammerhead shark I think I nailed it...

By George, It's his birthday.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Friday 02/22/2019 9:04 PM EST

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to j-o-h-n

Don't think I'll like that answer. Too much truth in it.

j-o-h-n profile image
j-o-h-n in reply to monte1111

I know, my head is buried so deep in sand that I think I struck oil......

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Saturday 02/23/2019 12:14 PM EST

ctarleton profile image

In biological science there is an idea called Peto's Paradox. It deals with the questions of why smaller vs. much much larger animal species don't have vastly different rates of cancer, considering the vast differences in the total numbers of cells to divide during the lifetime of the individuals, and the odds of DNA replication/repair errors.

For example, humans have only one copy of the tumor-suppressing P53 gene, while elephants have 20. Other genes of different types in different species have other functions that may or may not have relevance to the Paradox and to cancers in general.

Basic lab research continues. Perhaps, someday, we will learn something that could be brought forward through the appropriate Clinical Trial process for the treatment of some type(s) of human cancer.

Obviously, these tabloid-type stories are currently useless for making actual human prostate cancer treatment decisions or non-decisions in the here and now. I, too, hate to see vulnerable men chasing really false hopes and experiencing financial toxicities and dying too soon because of it. At the same time, I also have compassion for all of us who sometimes struggle in the "gray areas".

Kevinski65 profile image

I believe but cannot prove that certain supplements may slow down PCa if taken alongside allopathic treatment.

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