Considering orchiectomy : Good morning... - Advanced Prostate...

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Considering orchiectomy

3putt profile image
20 Replies

Good morning fellow warriors. Now that I’ve experienced all the side effects that 14 months on zitega and lupron have to offer I am now seriously considering orchiectomy as a future option. I am an active retired 64 year old who loves to golf, hike, motorcycle riding junkie who is rapidly getting tired of being tired. Curious if anyone has opted for this course of action and if so, your pros & cons. Thanks and God bless each and everyone of you.

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3putt profile image
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20 Replies

It's a common misconception that the side effects of orchietomy are better than the chemical version of castration (IE: Lupron, Eligard, Zoledex, etc.). After Orchiectomy, you don't have to get the shots anymore which is good, but the side effects come from lack of testosterone not from the method of getting there. Orchiectomy is still a great option for someone who must be castrated for life (I'm one of those). It's a very reliable way to lower your testosterone to less than 20 and many choose it.

in reply to

You’re correct gregg. I dreamt of no side effects but they are the same. Same as you , I’m for life. I’m stiil another test adt drug in pill form . I’m staying the course.. maybe after 2 decades a man could say he’s cured. Until then ,all of our necks will be on this dam APC ‘s chopping block Take care Gregg , hope that you’re well today.. Addios

Hello 3putt. Welcome to the club.. No man can tell another man to chop off his balls. I’m made this personal decision after waiting one yr after dx upon my Pc specialist request .I was chemically castrated with double adt anyway. Balls were a little ..They were shrunken tiny and a bit painful. That date in infamy 9-16. . Soon to be 3 yrs . No more Lupron shots. I went through some suicidal ideation and crazy emotional stuff for a couple months afterward. I wasn’t going to give up my macho BS without a fight. I fought with self. I felt like the bull after they took his Rocky Mountain oysters away. Put me on the back 40 ,I’m done. Got over that and I felt for me it was a great choice. Has not prevented erections. I’ve have no visable signs 3 1/2 yrs and no Psa. I was guarding my family jewels for 53 yrs. Now just an afterthought. I feel that all adt drugs cause so many issues .If my only gain from orch is missing out on 3 yrs of Lupron shots , that’s a win in my opinion. No going back on this one. My doc said ,we can put in fake balls, but who’s going to see them. My wife said I look the same. No more worry about balls. Plus now streamlined for biking . I’ve seen some say they had some pain or issues post op. Mine was more phscological . Little pain otherwise. Only thing is if you ever want to take a break and take T you’ll need to inject.. Good luck . Each to there own. .. Take care

3putt profile image
3putt in reply to

All good advice guys and much appreciated. Wrestling with the future expense of these drugs once I go on Medicare next year. My wife has great insurance but with life expectancy somewhat questionable I really want her to retire too so we can enjoy life together for as long as we can. While I don’t relish the thought of this type of procedure I can’t see how spending the bucks for a growing pot belly, hot flashes and man boobs is a fair trade off, again, your input is much appreciated

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to 3putt

Mine are gone and only miss them when I scratch. No more lupron for life. Megace took care of hot flashes. 20 mg four times a day.

in reply to Shooter1

Haha ha .. When I used to see a guy sitting cross legged sissy style I’d say dam how does he do that? ,to myself . It wasn’t comfortable for me then . But now with No balls , dam it’s comfy my position of choice now . So I got that going for me .which is nice .. Nothing to incumber me riding a bike. Nothing to worry about while climbing over a barbed - wire fences anymore either. Got to look at the bright side ,or the humor in all of this ..I’m balls were just an encomberance .. it’s true what they say having nothing to loss is liberating...

in reply to 3putt

Nothing fair about APC. I agree with the spending more time together with your wife.. If you can do it , go for it.. no promises for any of us. You probably will get hot flashes and man boobs either way..pot belly is bad for the ticker . Exercise and diet takes care of that for me.. But I’ve never been over weight . We are all different. Don’t dwell on the future expenses . Just concentrate on saving your a$$ right now. I’m on Medicare and disability . I spent all savings and sold all tangible assets living the past 4 yrs with APC .. your life is worth more than money.I’m clear now, But when the man eater comes back for its lunch , I don’t know what I’ll do. I’m at the behest of the wellfare system quality of care. It’s not someplace that I thought I’d ever be. But who could plan for APC at an early age. I say , do what you’ve got to do to survive and feel better. By all means live to bring joy to your daily home life.. For me there is alot of emotional & psychological hoops to jump thru . It should get better with time.. Some guys fly thru treatment with not too many side effects . ive had plenty ,but I came out of a pretty bad condition. I did the flip into holistic diet and nutrients,rarely meat or sugar . Others don’t change anything. Time to examine life. Love will help in everything . APC will bring things into focus. Good luck

cesanon profile image

orchiectomy is long term irreversible ADT. I can't see any benefit to it.

And it basically prevents you from using intermittent ADT.

Why not try intermittent ADT first?

3putt profile image

Good question. Approaching 65 without a clear path to a cure Is part of my rationale to this personal plan of action. What I’m really trying to get my arms around is if my current meds of Zytiga, pred & Lupron is basically keeping my PC at bay at a cost of xyz, and this simple inexpensive surgery accomplishes the same, then why not? I truly trust my OC at the Cleveland Clinic and will seek his council before making this decision. Interesting enough, I recall him bringing this procedure up as an option during my first appointment after original diagnosis. As with most, I was still in a semi state of shock since I’d never been sick a day in my life and had literally just retired days earlier, and that option was just more than I could compute that morning. Now, maybe time to take another look.

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to 3putt

Yep. Retired at 66 and began having issues a month later. Pretty much put a lot of things on hold. I might bitch about my retirement being screwed up, but just image all those who are still working and doing this. My admiration to your courage sirs.

pilot52 profile image

I have been on Lupron for 3 years and just had Xtandi added a month ago..I take the Xtandi before bed. I am 66 with non-met CrPC. I am active like you. I make a point of lifting weights in my home gym, and jog with my golden 5 days a week at least..Xtandi is really known for fatigue but I added in Kylea super foods. Similar to Athletic Greens. I also add a banana , apple , or what ever I have....I do one mid morning and mid afternoon when I am really active and close to the house...It works for me. I really feel good...There are some real promising clinical trials around the corner and you are still young...Why don't you turn up your exercise and add one of these super foods to your diet. We can beat this stuff but have to hang in....When I go to Duke or MD Anderson and see the children I feel really lucky and this is my second stage 4 go around. I am an Angel Flight pilot and make sure they have a positive fun flight....Wake up for a new day because we still can ..Pura Vida

Blue Skies

Pilot 52

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to pilot52

A lot of admirable people on this site. And you are right up there at the top. I salute you sir.

George71 profile image

You haven't lived till you 4 putt. That will get you throwing your clubs.

I have read where the estrogen patch is a better option -- less bone loss - less tired and cancels out T.

Break60 profile image

I switched to estradiol from Lupron. Feeling much better!

Rottney profile image

I’m in the same boat. 65 yrs old, 2 yrs on Lupron with Casodex and now Xtandi. Last PSA was .34 and I’m tired of being tired. Used to golf 2-3 times/week, but loss of strength and energy have ruined my game. Interested in what you learn...

3putt profile image
3putt in reply to Rottney

Happy to oblige. My next appointment is on 3/14. I’ll post our conversation.

Stegosaurus37 profile image

On lupron my testosterone is zero. Orchiectomy wouldn't change that. And exercise really helps with the fatigue. My fatigue can primarily from chemo and Xtandi treatments and now that I'm off that my vitality is returning. Slowly but nothing happens fast when you're 76. And I wasn't really bothered by fatigue when I was just on lupron before I went on chemo. So scrutinize what your fatigue is coming from before you decide how to deal with it.

3putt profile image

True and good advice although my point, or question, is if at the end of the day if I can stop shoving Lupron and zytiga down my throat through this procedure am I better off or at least even?

j-o-h-n profile image

I love my balls....

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 02/19/2019 6:22 PM EST

Hailwood profile image

Thanks for sharing. I had a radical prostatectomy 2 months ago and they found metastases around the site and have scheduled focal beam radiation as well as hormone treatments. However, I have decided to have surgical removal of the testes as even the first week of oral loading doses have caused joint pain worsening as well as huge difficulties in urination. Tomorrow I will find out if there are any further deposits in the pelvis.

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