How to differ between pelvic pain fro... - Advanced Prostate...

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How to differ between pelvic pain from lifting weights and one from PC?

StayingOptimistic profile image

This might seem easy, I am trying to preserve my bones and have been lifting weights for about a year now but always in pain. I just had a bone scan and ct scans for chest, abdomen and pelvic and none showed any Mets. Pain continues, any ideas please? Thank you.

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StayingOptimistic profile image
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22 Replies
Ldb01 profile image

My husband had severe back pain in December. Was rushed in for emergency lumbar scan since he has mets in lower spine. They discovered the pain was being caused by thinning of the cushions inbetween two of his vertebrae. This is not even cancer related. He was given Fentanyl patches and pain killers. He only used the patches for a week. Perhaps you need to get a scan or Xray of your back ?

StayingOptimistic profile image
StayingOptimistic in reply to Ldb01

Thanks, ldb01.

I had ct scans and bone scan two weeks ago and it is not said, degenerative nature, no Mets. Ct was done to pelvic, chest and abdomen

arete1105 profile image
arete1105 in reply to StayingOptimistic

JUst to be clear, the scans showed no degenerative issues and no Mets in the lumbar area? Correct?

StayingOptimistic profile image
StayingOptimistic in reply to arete1105

Thanks arete1105

Here are the reported results of the abdomen/pelvic scan, NO MENTION to the word lumbar, that is why I was asking if there is a different scan for The lumbar?

LIVER: Normal

SPLEEN: Normal





KIDNEYS: No suspicious renal lesions are seen. Bilateral renal cyst are are noted the

largest measures 4 cm in size on the left



BOWEL/MESENTERY/OMENTUM: The stomach and small bowel appear unremarkable. The colon is

distended with feces. No suspicious abnormalities are identified.





BONES/SOFT TISSUES: Multilevel degenerative changes are seen with endplate changes but no

suspicious blastic lesions are seen

Thanks again

arete1105 profile image
arete1105 in reply to StayingOptimistic

This is a scan for soft tissue and not specifically for spinal issues. I don't think any of these area would create pain from working out. But spinal issues would. It seems all these soft tissues area are also cleared of Ca. But your pain, in my opinion, would't be coming from these soft tissue areas. I take it you only have pain when working out. It sounds more like disc issues. Have your Dr. also rule in/out any disc issues.

StayingOptimistic profile image
StayingOptimistic in reply to StayingOptimistic

This is my problem, I don’t get anything from doctors, no follow ups, no let’s discuss your scans. I feel like in the twilight zone here. I have to research EVERYTHING my self to find out anything.

Here is the bone scan results

SCINTIGRAPHIC FINDINGS: There are no focal abnormalities to suggest osseous metastases.

Uptake suggestive of degenerative joint disease is seen in multiple joints including

shoulders, knees and additional extremity joints. Activity overlying the LEFT inguinal

region may be artifactual due to contamination. There is NO abnormal soft tissue activity.

Physiologic excretion is seen in the kidneys and urinary bladder.


1. Suspected contamination in LEFT inguinal region.

2. Degenerative changes.

3. Otherwise, NO evidence of osseous metastases.

I am very frustrated

StayingOptimistic profile image
StayingOptimistic in reply to Ldb01

Is the lumbar scan different than the chest , pelvic and abdomen?

Break60 profile image
Break60 in reply to StayingOptimistic

Same scan but in lower back . Google a picture of the spine to see where lumbar discs are located. They’re the ones most frequently injured from incorrect lifting.

Drcrunch profile image
Drcrunch in reply to Ldb01

There is no back pain that is so strong that you need opioids like fentanyl. Most severe back pain is not felt in back but radiates down back of thigh and maybe into calf.

Herman_PSA profile image
Herman_PSA in reply to Ldb01

I feel your husband's pain! Rather, I had severe lower back pain myself some three years ago. But, after one week, I was virtually pain free and off all pain killers and my walking cane. I could not life my leg to get into the car. It was that bad. I had three herniated disc. Here is what I did.

I did some research and learned about a device called the Pro Adjuster and only few multi-skilled chiropractors use/have them. I found only two in my area and one was very close to my home. Bingo! Imagine. I had NEVER been to a chiropractor, nor did I believe in them. Well, they changed my life BIGTIME and save me from getting surgery. My orthopedic surgeon said, "There is nothing you can do about your severe pain but get surgery or live with the pain!" What crap! I was pain free in one week, three session with the Pro Adjuster treatments.

Look for chiropractors in your area that have one of these computerized Pro Adjuster. If they don't, move on they are dinosaurs and not current. This technology is cutting-edge and life changing. It takes 10-minutes to make the adjustments, it does not hurt, and it will display your starting curve in your spine and what has changed. In other words, you get to see and understand your body alignment and how it relates to the pain. You are crazy not to have them evaluate you for this treatment. Depending on your insurance it cost about $40 to $50 per session.

An MRI or Xray would be wise to have to show the chiropractor.

By the way, I'm a gleason-8, stage-4 PCa with five bone mets.

Ldb01 profile image
Ldb01 in reply to Herman_PSA

My husband is at the stage where lifting his legs just to get out of bed is difficult and walking is painful. He does have mets in spine and right femur. With the Actinium they say he should not be having such pain. Off the fentanyl patches and now on Lyrica and Targinact daily. He was told in the beginning of the year that the lower back pain was degenerative. But now his spine has cancer.

Drcrunch profile image

Treated back pain for forty years. If I could not tell if pain was from tumor or from disc problem or muscle strain, I would be in big trouble. It present completely different. To make it easy for you to tell.: does side bending to one side or the other increase pain along with feeling that movement is blocked. This sign of muscle or disc problem, not tumor.

tom67inMA profile image

Well I don't have a definitive answer for you but just wanted to share your pain, so to speak. I have pain in my back and hip and also have metastases in those areas. The doctor can't really say for sure if the continuing pain is due to the cancer growing (probably not), the cancer dying (hopefully), a side effect of treatment, or if it's just a side effect of being 51 years old and relatively active.

Since your scans are clear it's probably not the cancer. Have you been to an orthopedist to see if it's a "normal" problem?

Break60 profile image

It’s normal to have some pain after lifting as muscles recover. But you shouldn’t have pain during any resistance training reps. If a rep causes pain , stop. Maybe you’re using too much resistance.

Lakefisher profile image

Be sure to get a MRI. I have a hairline fracture on my hip socket that didn't show up on bone scans. Lived with the pain for months until it was discovered. Just had radiation which I hope will help with the pain.

I have posture problems and some pain now and then -- probably from sitting at a computer way too much. First make sure to get an X-ray to determine that you don't have a serious problem. I have a stretching routine that I do every day -- hamstrings, quads, chair twists, yoga like stretches and postures on all fours, etc ... and I get a chiropractic adjustment when needed. I often use an ice pack in the evening. None of that stretching should cause back pain -- if it does -- stop.

j-o-h-n profile image

Quoting you: "I don’t get anything from doctors, no follow ups, no let’s discuss your scans. I feel like in the twilight zone here. I have to research EVERYTHING my self to find out anything."

Can you easily change your doctors? If so, do so asap. Remember they are getting PAID to take care of your needs, no free lunches. So get on their ass and tell them off, but please do not go "postal". Pees me off to see doctors not doing their jobs.

Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.

j-o-h-n Sunday 02/17/2019 7:42 PM EST

Tapah profile image

I had severe back pain in the pelvic region on both sides (the area behind your back as you put your palm just around the trousers belt). The pain was so bad that I found it difficult walking, wearing my pants or even getting into the car. The doctor gave me a few sessions of sonotron therapy which gave temporary pain relief but the pain was back after 2-3 days.

On a friends advise, I started walking daily doing 10,000 steps. I use the fit bit watch to monitor the number of steps. I do slow walks taking about 10 mins to do 1,000 steps. After every hour or so I do a few steps and by noon I finish 4 to 5,000 steps and by 10 pm I finish 10,000 steps. You will see the immediate improvement after a few days. Sitting too long in front of a computer or doing other things is not good. Take frequent break by taking 5-10 minutes walk. I am 70 years old and my job is to do work on the computer the whole day. Now I do 12,000 steps a day. Of course make sure you have a good bed with hard mattress to sleep on.

arete1105 profile image

Your scans show you have degenerative changes- does that mean stenosis, disc thinning, arthritis in the spine area, or disc bulging. These are the questions you need to ask your doctor.

Also- if the pain only occurs during work out, you might want to cut back on the work out.

StayingOptimistic profile image
StayingOptimistic in reply to arete1105

Which doctor?

The Uro looked at it and didn’t say anything.

I had it done at szwanher pesiri, can I call myself the facility and ask them or my doctor has to do that?

arete1105 profile image

The Uro only looks for Uro related issues. Your PCP or orthopedist can read it, if that scan shows orthopedic issues.

It’s easy to attribute everypain to pc. Don’t go there.. don’t predict Metz either.. very good your scans.congrats .no signs are “good” signs. You’re on the right track with exersize . Any is good , more is better. I’ve had joint pain muscle pain . Shooting electrical pains , neauropathy.. I did RT 8wks and double adt . These treatments bring on the pain at times. I have no signs of pc visable . Thank God ....but nothing normal about my screwed up urology , and weakened cognition and body.Ive had a grinding pain at my RT cite for over a year now. That is increasing. Holding my pee inflames this. Like on a long car trip .I ve had muscle , joint and massive hip (;degeneratiion) L-5 down disc missing. Treatments drain our teeth ,bones and joints , gives heart issues ..And I believe it can lead to Demetia with extended use of adt . Once a pretty good speller, now I’m lucky to spell my name. so 4 yrs for me so far..I now have about 1/5 of my pre treatment strength endurance and agility. I ve also had a weird experience with pain. I never liked pain and avoided it my entire life. I had a few broken bones and normal maladies. Nothing chronic. Soon after or even during my 8 weeks doing RT ,at some point ,I became Uber sensitive to pain. It persist today. I mean , I stubb my toe and it hurts like a MF . I was also doing alternative medicine then and now .part of that was Accupunture. I had benefited much from a weekly treatment. Always walked out floating and euphoric. A great change from the brutal 24 hr bs that goes with a foley and tubes out of the kidnies. One day the therapist insisted the air thin needles down back and when got to my legs. Lordy be, I couldn’t take it. I had to stop . No plan to return because I’m feminized to the max .To top that off I’ve also was suddenly hurting myself daily. Balance was gone. It’s gotten better and I get stronger.. I’m just happy to be here..I have bad days but I can’t complain . I’m trying to extend my flight under APC radar. Sooner or later , if something else doesn’t , it will get me.. overall everything in this ol man’s disease will make you feel like an ol man if you didn’t already feel that way.. Good luck .

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