Do you think it's concerning that my husband has had no no se on ht for 2 months? I've been pleased as he was so worried after reading of all the possible side effects but now I'm wondering if it's actually doing anything
No se on ht: Do you think it's... - Advanced Prostate...
No se on ht
Only his testosterone level determines if it's working, not side effects.
Thanks, maybe I'll ask doctor to check his testosterone level then. I don't know why they don't check this and just send you home
It’s beyond me why his T and dhT aren’t checked along with Psa.
He hasn't had his PSA checked either. Apparently they don't do that. He is to have radiotherapy at some point, first meeting with oncology on the 22nd January so I don't know when anything will be checked.
We got results from nurse and sent home
So what was his diagnosis assuming he had a biopsy? Why was he put on ADT and what type of ADT?
He was diagnosed in November; gleason 9, t3a, pelvic lymph nodes. PSA 167. He is on Zoladex.
Idea of ADT is to shrink the prostate to make radiotherapy more effective. Will be on that for 2 years
Got it. I’m sure that his PSa and T will be tested often .
Many ADT side effects re age dependent. How old is your husband?
Richard W.
Thanks, he is 66
I am 67, on ADT. After 6 months, so far, I have had no serious physical side effects but PSA continues to decline and T level remains low. Some loss of body hair. A slight change in body fat but not bad with diet and exercise, avoiding weight gain. But it can be variable. A friend, roughly my age, had terrible hot flashes and wanted to stop ADT.