This Medscape article concerns HIFU (Hi intensity focused Ultrasound) and its use by a physician trying to get around the standard of care of prostate biopsy prior to any definitive PC treatment. (in addition to potential fraud) The MD may not follow proper standards, and apparently has written the book, "Men at Risk: The Dirty Little Secret That Prostate Biopsies Really Do Spread Prostate Cancer Cells" which I have not seen, concerning the possibility of prostate biopsy related spread of PCA. I do not endorse his book, or treatment without proven histologic diagnosis, but remain curious about the issue. Only wish research on using non-invasive MRI or PET to diagnose and grade PCA would evolve faster. This would remove the process of invasive biopsy as a potential cause of metastatic disease occurring in close proximity to the diagnostic biopsy or invasive treatment.