I wonder if anybody had bad reactions to Provenge.
Provenge: I wonder if anybody had bad... - Advanced Prostate...

Someone in my support group said he was nauseated after his third infusion.

What was your "reaction" like? Which infusion did you experience this after?
I haven't had Provenge yet. I did have a very bad reaction with Prostvac. I developed a peripheral neuropathy, apparently auto immune in origin. I am afraid of making things worst if I am treated with Provenge or having an auto immune storm. Difficult to get an answer since there are not data about people being treated with Prostvac and Provenge or people developing neuropathies after Prostvac.
I had some nausea and a headache the morning after my first infusion. Got a little more pre-medication for the other two and was fine the next days. Had chills toward the end of all of the infusions. The first was the worst. They ended right after the infusion finished. Tired for the rest of the day. Felt a bit run down for the whole month. Got better a week or so afterwards. I didn't expect to feel any effects, so I was surprised.
Overall, a lot easier than 2 rounds of chemo. Probably easier than one round.
2nd infusion wicked chills and feverish when I got home. Not so bad the third time. Nothing the first.
During the leukapheresis sessions a few days before each Provenge treatment I had some reactions to the citrate anticoagulant used in the machine, which chelated calcium from my blood as it circulated back into my body. Some facial tingling, phantom skin sensations, and a "buzzing" feeling during the last half of the sessions. The techs are watching you for such things, and the vast majority of men do just fine on this aspect of the total Provenge process. It helped me to have somebody with me who would drive home.
When I got the Provenge infusions, I had very few sensations/symptoms during the infusions, themselves. Some men can get some chills or other reactions. Again, the techs are monitoring you closely. After we went home, I didn't have many symptoms until the next day. For the next 2-3 days I felt really weak and tired, much like having the flu, but without having the "wet" coughing and sneezing symptoms.
(About 14 years ago I had a month of daily high-dose Interferon, as an adjuvant treatment after a surgery for a rare type of melanoma. The bodily symptoms then were nightly chills and aches and tiredness as my immune system responded. My Provenge experience was similar, but with fewer chills, less body body aches, and more weakness and tiredness that lasted for a few days.)
It went well minimal side effects .
For me, Each infusion was a little worse. By the 3rd, I felt like I was coming down hard with the flu. Lasted about 48 hours. Plenty of sleep and some cannabis made it better. Not that I’d call it bad, just as expected with a ramped up immune response.
Side note:
Funny, recently I’ve been experiencing some neck issues so, for the first time in my life, I decided to try out a chiropractor. The day after my 1st adjustment, I experienced a similar immune response. Tho not nearly as much as that 3rd Provenge infusion, but enough that I felt as if I was going to get the flu. Lasted about a day. Totally unexpected.
My husband had 3 treatments and didn't have any side effects whatsoever. BUT it also hasn't changed anything with him yet. His last treatment was back in April of this year. Goodluck and I hope it helps you.
I did 3 treatments in 3 weeks. After each treatment I had chills and was extremely tired. I went home and slept most of the day. No side effects the day after!
I had my first provenge infusion a week ago. Terrible cold feeling in hands and thighs. Neck muscles ached and I developed the worst splitting headache. The nurses administered steroids and adavan and also gave me demerol. I was out of it sleeping in the chair for several hours but was later able to catch my flight home. The odd thing was the next two days I felt like a million bucks. It must have been the steroids but the usual aches and pains were gone.
Obviously, I had a severe reaction. Now I'm wondering how the second infusion will go next week.
Wondering how it went?
The next two infusions went much better due to the proactivness of the staff. No other side effects. I'm not sure if it did anything since my PSA continued to rise dramatically and the can or has invaded bone marrow. Their prognosis is dim. All I have now is me and the power of mind!
Just finished with mine. No side effects at all.