FALLING: Has anyone recently been... - Advanced Prostate...

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22 Replies

Has anyone recently been subjected to falling or tripping?

22 Replies
JamesAtlanta profile image

Funny you ask. I trip all the time now. I seem to not pick up my feet like I used to...hence the tripping. My wife always says, “pick you your feet!” I attribute it to the ADT. Been lucky - have not fallen.

Are you having a problem?



EricE profile image
EricE in reply to JamesAtlanta

When I was first on Lupron they gave me the main side effects. "Muscle wasting" seemed like a very esoteric side effect until I tried lifting my back leg over a log I was stepping over last winter. My back leg caught on the log and I went for a pretty good tumble. Later, I was posing for a picture on one knee. When I went to get back up I couldn't. I had to have help. It hit my big muscle groups the hardest. Now I'm fighting back with a lot of exercise.

Lombardi24 profile image
Lombardi24 in reply to EricE

Same here. Walking into doorjambs and scuffing my feet. Balance is off too.

in reply to Lombardi24

Same here - not picking up my feet!

Have not fell though.

Wdoug profile image
Wdoug in reply to EricE

I'm exercising also and daily doing the squat machine a lot more. It has really helped.

Grumpyswife profile image

My husband fell apparently due to Xtandi and since is taking reduced the dose. Several others then posted about their falls as well—often as SE of pCa meds or med combos. Husband has a cane and is having physical therapy. He should give up alcohol but says no.

whatsinaname profile image
whatsinaname in reply to Grumpyswife

Please let him enjoy his booze. Its the one thing that will enable him to pull through these miserable days. Cheers, mjbach.

Ian2017 profile image

I have a bit of 'postural instability'. Every now and then I have a sensation of veering to the side. I'm told it's quite a common side effect (I completed chemo in April and am currently on 3-monthly Zoladex). I haven't had any incidents of falling and am very careful when walking on any dodgy surfaces.

Wdoug profile image
Wdoug in reply to Ian2017

Postural Instability! Fun phrase for future conversations.

Regardless of medication, as one gets older they are at a higher risk for falling.

Gourd Dancer

Wdoug profile image
Wdoug in reply to

That too!

BrentW profile image

I too have lost muscle mass in my legs. I have fallen several times, often my legs simply giving way under me. I also have problems getting up if I kneel. We have installed a special bath, with an electronically raising and lowering seat, to help me bathe. Climbing hills is a challenge; my legs feel weak and I have to proceed very slowly, taking one breath for each stride. I have balance problems too, but think that might be related to ear damage from childhood infections. It's lovely to learn that I am not alone in this matter of falling.

EchoII profile image

I am in constant danger of falling and tripping. On Luperon and Zytiga for 6 months with metastases in hips, spine, lymph nodes. PSA 74 at first but dropped to single digits after 4 months of ADT.

chascri profile image

January 2017 fractured two thoracic vertebrae when a chair fell over backwards with me. Then in July 2017 the two vertebrae compressed. Had to start using Fetanyl patches to control pain since then. March of 2018 tripped over a rug and fell and fractured two more vertebrae and a rib. Fractured vertebrae are inoperable. Use a walker now when out of the home and wear a back brace now when not sitting or sleeping or at home.

Have to be very careful when walking. Diagnosed 1999 treatment summary in profile. Hang in there!

monte1111 profile image
monte1111 in reply to chascri

Wow. You've been doing this a long time! We started Xtandi about same time Aug. 2017. I was psa 1.7 coming off of chemo. Very slowly has come down to 0.2 Hope it is still working for you. Original psa 59.9 extensive bone mets, lymph node mets. Lymph node mets gone after 3 mo. of 8 cycles of chemo. Bone mets now "subtle" (what ever that means). Alk phosphate gradually down to 69 now. (smiley face). Have T12 compression fracture and I do ache a lot. Taking Celebrex per study Tall_Allen pointed out as probably having OS with Xgeva. Seems to help with the ache. Have been very careful till i took out a heavy trash can last week and back got very angry for days. No weight lifting for me. Do not want to be paralyzed below the waist. Sorry for the back brace. My ungodly uncomfortable $1000 brace is in the closet for when i will need it next. Told neurosurgeon brace made driving very awkward. He said "you're not supposed to be driving". I said "well, how am i supposed to get here" He said "we do what we have to do, but if you are in an accident with a back brace on it may not look so good" So quit wearing the back brace when driving. Anyway, I am wishing the best of luck.

SUPERHEAT12 profile image

Do not know if it will help in your case, but Dr. Myers put me on Vitamin D3 citing studies from nursing homes that showed it helped with balance. I am still clumsy but not as much

JimVanHorn profile image

I find that my other medications are responsible for unsteadiness. When I have a sugar low (diabetes) I am dizzy. I take 3 blood pressure medications and I have postural hypotention when I stand up after sleeping, because of a blood sinus in the brain not getting enough blood. With kidney disease sometimes my hemoglobin level is 9.6 (under 10.0) and I am feeling tired all the time. I get hormone shots every couple weeks which helps a lot. I was taken off of Lupron in June, 2018 and I am feeling much better in general.

All of these factors plus good eating habits help me be more alert and so I trip less. I have a "Mobile Help" button around my neck to call an ambulance if I fall or pass out. I use it anywhere I go and it calls the ambulance to come wherever I am.

j-o-h-n profile image

It's Fall, guys.....what did you expect?

All kidding aside I'm losing my balance often and stepping over dead bodies is getting more difficult every day. Here's a good one... try jumping up and down... no way Jose. Running down a flight of stairs to catch a subway train is impossible F. I. another one will be coming anyway. Suddenly turning around throws me into semi pirouettes. Getting up from being on one knee is impossible unless there's something solid to boost myself up.

All this, but I still can beat my wife on days that end in "Y".

Good Luck and Good Health.

j-o-h-n Thursday 10/18/2018 4:58 PM EDT

ARIES29 profile image

Yes in a word, so i stopped taking ADT & especially Luprin, it wastes muscle tissue but that is what they give you in this (industry) of PCA as a starting point.

Exercise is the key to health & quality of life i believe.

I have had three falls in two days last week and have John's problem of "Suddenly turning around throws me into semi pirouettes"

so far no major injuries - i do worry what happen if i get cut and sepsis.

I am paranoid about sepsis - my dad had prostate cancer, infection, Sepsis, and died. I hope not to follow in his footsteps.

DaC00tie profile image

The timing of your post coincides with my thoughts recently. As mentioned in my previous posts, I don't have the faith in my oncologist that I think I should have. And this topic you raised is definitely in line with why. Every time I see my oncologist or radiation oncologist, or submit a prescription refill for zytiga and prednisone.....I am always asked the same question: "Have you fallen or been to the emergency room lately?" Now here's my issue....why are they not telling me why they are asking this question? Is it because it's a forthcoming side affect that will eventually happen? And why are they not telling me? I didn't think much about it before but lately I've noticed the different in my balance. Let's just say it isn't what it used to be and it's becoming more noticable. Even my wife has noticed it. And here's the deal....I work at heights....big heights. Many times 30, 40, or 50 stories in the air, walking on beams. I have told my oncologist what I do. And I'm very disturbed to think that he doesn't find it necessary to explain the balance thing to me (is he waiting until after I fall? I hate the thought of that). So once again, I'm in a position to where I need to sit my oncologist down and say "Look, you need to explain things to me, you need to volunteer information that is relevant and that I need to know, especially since the questions don't come to mind right away!" Ya....I'm not happy about it. I will be sitting him down at my upcoming appointment.

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