Starting Abiraterone/Pedizisone - Advanced Prostate...

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Starting Abiraterone/Pedizisone

GoEZ profile image
26 Replies

Ok Second Post. Started taking Abiraterone/Pedizisone 2 days ago. Hardest part so far is standardizing my eating habits. Eat when I got hungry or grazed, I know bad, bad, bad. My mood is lifting now that I have started the new meds. Always a trying time changing my routine concerning my cancer. Two things have happened since I stopped Enzalutamide. I was told to stop taking Enzalutamide on Tuesday because they were going to overnight Abiraterone/Pedizisone. Didn’t happen as planned, didn’t start new treatment till Friday. However, the pain in my shoulders, hands, and arms has subsided. Energy level has also lifted a little. I know I will not feel the full effects of the new meds for another week or two but night time peeing has picked up from 1-2 up to 5-6 times a night. My biggest concern now is Coffee with cream and agave considered food? One of the few vices I have left.

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GoEZ profile image
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26 Replies
Dan59 profile image

Welcome Goez, My suggestion to avoid the food fasting problem with zytiga is to take it when you need to urinate before you get up in morning, then go back to bed for 2 hours and get up and eat. The food fasting problem was real when we used to do ketoconazole as it required fasting before and after and we took it 3 times a day, with zytiga once a day, waking early to take it and going back to bed for an hour or 2 is easier to manage. I believe cream is considered food, not sure about black coffee. Xtandi is known to reduce your energy, so that and decreased bone pain may have been a SE of xtandi for you.I wish you the best.


Ps, I forget how long after taking zytiga one needs to fast

dorke profile image
dorke in reply to Dan59

at least two hours before and one hour after Zytiga

GoEZ profile image
GoEZ in reply to Dan59


GoEZ profile image
GoEZ in reply to Dan59


spikezoey profile image
spikezoey in reply to Dan59

Hubby is on Zytiga and his oncologist said coffee with cream didn’t count as food. He takes it in the middle of the night when he gets up to pee. Not sure if the agave counts as food though.

GoEZ profile image
GoEZ in reply to spikezoey

Thank you

TommyTV profile image
TommyTV in reply to GoEZ

I always take my Zytiga with a cup of coffee. I have done for 6.5 years.

My timing works well too. Lanzaprozole and Prednisone after breakfast at 9 am, then Zytiga at 11 am with a coffee, then lunch after 12pm. The 11am call to action is a permanent reminder on my mobile phone. Never missed a tablet in 6.5 years.

GoEZ profile image
GoEZ in reply to TommyTV


ctflatlander profile image
ctflatlander in reply to spikezoey

My OC says the cream/milk and sweetner counts. I can't drink my coffee w/o so I take my Zytiga with my last pee in the morning and then go back to bed. I'm fortunate, no side effects.

GoEZ profile image
GoEZ in reply to Dan59


Daddysdaughter profile image
Daddysdaughter in reply to Dan59

1 hour

RonL profile image

I’ve been on it for 16months, I take both first thing after I wake up. Since I rarely eat breakfast this works for me. I usually have a cup of coffee with cream before the suggested two hour fast but it hasn’t caused any issues. FWIW taking Zytiga didn’t cause any side effects that I wasn’t already experiencing from the Lupron which I’m still on. Good luck GoEZ.

GoEZ profile image
GoEZ in reply to RonL


Break60 profile image
Break60 in reply to RonL

Good news!

MMMayhem profile image

I started mine 4 days ago, and lupron 14 days ago. I also take it with coffee, and I use coffeemate instead of cream. Was told coffee is ok, but didn't mention using coffeemate, so maybe I should, but so far no issues. If you're getting up to pee, that seems like a good opportunity to take the zytiga and avoid issues with fasting.

This morning when taking mine I actually just noticed the prednisone says to take it with food. Im gonna ask if that means I should stagger the dose of that from the zytiga (plus I'm only on 5mg daily cause my diabetes is a complicating issue).

Good luck, hope things improve for you. Side effects haven't kicked in for me yet, but I hear those usually subside as time goes on.

Dan59 profile image
Dan59 in reply to MMMayhem

Definitly take the prednisone at a different time from zytiga, and prednisone take with food

spikezoey profile image
spikezoey in reply to MMMayhem

Hubby takes Zytiga in middle of the night when gets up to pee, then by the time he’s actually up, enough time has passed that he can take pred with food. Main thing is not to take pred too late in the day, as it can disrupt sleeping. Good luck!

MMMayhem profile image
MMMayhem in reply to spikezoey

Weirdly, I seem to be getting up to pee less often rather than more, but it's only been a few days. And the impacts of having my prostate removed last Oct are diminishing too. We will see what the next few weeks bring. 😉

GoEZ profile image
GoEZ in reply to MMMayhem


leo2634 profile image

Hi Go, I take my Zytiga at around 5:30-6:00 AM With a12 oz bottle of Spring water, and the Prednisone at around 8:30-9:00 AM after Breakfast only side effects are hot flashes which are tolerable, and ED Which is so far managed. I have been talking these medications along with six month Eligard injection and Xgeva injection for bone Mets once a month going on six months now. My PSA was14.7 to undetectable in a month and feel pretty good considering. Excersising is a good tool too even if it's just a nice walk. The water with the Zytiga was suggested to me on this forum and it really does help. I wish you the best. Leo

samahieb profile image

My onc said black coffee is ok 30 min after zytiga---sip it and next thing you know the hour is up so you can add some cream

GoEZ profile image
GoEZ in reply to samahieb


dbroyles9002 profile image

I drink a cup of coffee with coffeemate and agave every morning at the same time I'm taking my abiraterone pills. Been doing it for months with no effects. I say enjoy your coffee!

GoEZ profile image
GoEZ in reply to dbroyles9002


TommyTV profile image
TommyTV in reply to dbroyles9002

Me too, 11am every day with a cup of coffee with coffeemate. 6.5 years on this so far.

Spitzz profile image

I take my Zytiga when I wake at about 7 or 8 and either go back to bed or start my day.

If I start my day I have some coffee or tea and by the time I'm ready to leave the house or start a project the hour is gone the day is normal. I take my Prednisone when ever I eat....

This is what works for me...…

Best of LUCK

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