I'm curious about B3. It seems to have some benefits for cholesterol issues as well as anecdotal evidence against the progression of PCa. I can't find much on it, here or elsewhere, specifically in relation to PCa, but there do seem to be some studies in favor of B3 supplementation for other forms of cancer. Does anybody have experience with or knowledge of this? Thanks.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin and/or Niacinamide... - Advanced Prostate...
Vitamin B3 (Niacin and/or Niacinamide) thoughts/research?

Thanks. I'll report back if I find anything relevant to PCa. Stay well.
I have been on Slo-Niacin (which seems to be going away at least from my local Walgreens) for many years. I was put on it for high triglycerides, and my next blood report showed them to be quite low, like they had fallen through the floor.
Now I am interested in just using the simvastatin I take to manage the triglycerides. Any ideas would be appreciated.
From my research and various conversations with people who (should) know, simvastatin will manage the LDL-C, but not triglycerides -especially the LP(a). Niacin may be effective in raising HDL, and lowering LDL and LP(a). The LP(a) is a genetic factor that that increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. It may not be a problem or of concern to you and most cardiologist don't measure it because they can't adequately treat it. There are some data that suggest simvastatin and Niacin combined might be good too.
I have been taking 5000IU of VitaminD for years. My PSAwas 39.5 when I had my RP operation. Never went to zero after 18 years my PSA is now 0.29! Looking at intervention now.
I have no prostate so my PSA should be zero but it has slowly been climbing for 18 years to 0.29.I'm worried that it will metastisize . I have been encouraged to get my prostate bed irradiated. I'm lucky to still be here, my PSA was 39.5 before surgery.