Please send me your recommendations, willing to travel anywhere.
Recommendation for a post radiation s... - Advanced Prostate...
Recommendation for a post radiation salvage surgeon

Dr Jeffrey Karnes Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN
It will depend on your physical condition and obviously will want to make his own determination on what he feels is best. He specializes in prostate and bladder cancer and is very involved in research and the use of unconventional therapy.
He performed my open prostatectomy with an extensive lymph node dissection and I had no complications. Very experienced and competent surgeon and highly recommend him.
Did you initially have radiation on your prostate and then Salvage surgery because the radiation treatment failed?
Looking to have salvage surgery because radiation failed.
Yup I understand you, my question was for daytime and Nalkrats
I did not have salvage surgery done but know it takes a skilled surgeon to do that since there will be lots of scarring from the radiation. Karnes removed 42 lymph nodes from me and was willing to tackle a surgery that other doctors I talked to wanted no part of. If he feels he can help you he will do everything he can. The Urology Department at the Mayo is world class.
If you go up to Mayo look me up. I will be starting my proton treatment this coming Tuesday.
I meant post RADIATION salvage surgeon