Been 3 weeks of hell waiting! On the one hand I wanted to know, but then every appointment has brought the worst news, so terrified was an understatement. Anyway the scan showed what they originally thought they saw on the CT scan which was a small area of spread on the pelvic bone but that’s all! So we are so happy right now, he went on to say that there are trials in Oxford if he would like to try them, think that may be for the bone, not sure. But he said we know the tablets you are on work, they may work for a small time or many years we just don’t know. So I feel positive for the first time in 14 weeks! Hope you are all doing well and thank you for all your support in the last few weeks. X
Hi All! Results back from the scan. - Advanced Prostate...
Hi All! Results back from the scan.

Yes - my new urologist emphasized...prostate cancer is the most unpredictable cancer being dealt with. Hence, so few answers for many of us.
Congrats on your good news!
I am so happy to read this, I do know very well the fear of hearing results, I am so happy for you and your Dad to get this news!
Great news!---I know the feeling of waiting! Good Luck....
How are you and he now? Wishing the best.....

Hi lulu, well my dad has been accepted on a trial called the trambone trial and he was picked for the chemo and operation, so he is starting chemo tomorrow. How is everything with you?
Sorry , didn’t see message until now.. wow thats a plan for success. So decisions made now comes the fun . Trambone ? That’s an awesome name. Trials are good, it helps others as well. Plus good testing occurs. It’s the old saying “ make the best out of a bad situation “ he will be tested. Thank God he has you! I’m fine , thank you, praying for you.