I have a conflict between the opinions of 2 doctors concerning taking baseline imaging now that I've done my last chemo infusion. I'm now coming up on 6 months into treatment.
One doctor says I need to get a CT and a bone scan as a baseline for future comparison.
The other says it's unnecessary and just more radiation that I don't need. He says to just watch the PSA and how I feel. If we suspect progression from those, then do imaging.
I'm inclined to agree with the doctor that says don't do the bone scan and CT for a baseline. Whenever my doctor wants to do some kind of test or imaging, I always ask: How will the results of that effect the treatment? If it's just to get more information or out of curiosity, that's not enough.
Right now, all indications are that my disease is not progressing. How will taking a bone scan and CT scan effect my treatment plan at this point? Or will it just give me more anxiety trying to analyze what it means? I don't think I need these images to tell me my cancer is progressing and I know what the next step in treatment will be when that happens.
I do have a bone scan, CT scan, MRI and general x-rays from diagnosis already.
So unless there is valuable information from these scans that help me make decisions about my treatment moving forward, I won't be getting more of them until it's necessary.