Yesterday I had another procedure to try and stop my bleeding caused by radiation proctitis. The doctor used formalin to coat the affected areas to prevent further irritation. I'am keeping my fingers crossed this works.
Proctitis update: Yesterday I had... - Advanced Prostate...
Proctitis update

John, I really hope that it works. I am wondering if the doctors had warned you about the possibility of side effects like proctitis before you decided to have the radiation. Some doctors are good about this, others are very bad and don't disclose full information about side effects.
The first time I ever heard the word Proctitis was when they told me I had it.
Hi john don't know if this helps or not don't what you have tried so far, I had a bad bout of it half way through my treatments, used a product called procto foam and started talking iron supplements for about a week cleared it up, I was bleeding like a stuck pig.
They gave me prednisolone suppositories
I had laser cauterization in December. With no change. The doctors said no fiber or fruits, or iron, as constipation is a real problem for me.
Second day post op, and still no movement. I'am using Miralax 2x a day. and i'am really dreading the pain when things start to move.
That's too crazy. A week ago today, I was in the ER with it. Got out Monday. They also found my bladder was blocked. My "urologist" noted it in my medical records, ya think they would have treated it? Nope. I had been radiated six years ago, so it will come and get you eventually.

I got it 6 months after treatment, so at least I didn't have to wait too long.
It's strange how radiation messes with you. I had blood in my urine twice, and the proctitis once. I assume it may come back at some point. Just please wait a little while, nasty stuff.