Any tips on developing social relationships after long period of being single.
Imaginethis : Any tips on developing... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

To develop a relationship, you have to find a relationship to develop. To find one you have to look for one, to look for one you have to open your eyes, open your eyes you can see, when you see, you can notice, when you notice you decide, when you decide you can develop. It all starts when you seek. Seek and the door will be opened.
Two things....Just wear a smile on your face, fake or real do smile whoever you meet
Second, do honest communication communication and present your opinion
go places for people who have similar hobbies. Look at the library; it’s more chill. Talk to people on social media, like discord… preferably verbal rather than text.
I believe that approaching social relationships through a better understanding of of the nine basic personality types described by the Enneagram Personality Type Structures would be extremely helpful for anyone with ADHD. (The "Ennea" in Enneagram means nine.) The Enneagram basics are easily understandable for just about anyone, and no deep knowledge of psychology is needed. There are many good websites, and books, that are full of accessible information about the Enneagram.
If you are like me, engaging with others in social relationships is full of uncertainty in large part because of my not being able to relate to or understand other people's basic personality types. I tried learning about how I might be able to better relate to others by using the Myers-Briggs personality type indicator, but while I could recognize an introvert from an extrovert, I still didn't have much of a clue as to how or why people might act in different circumstances.
What really helped me in developing and strengthening social relationships was to first get a better understanding my basic Enneagram Personality Type Structure and then by understanding other people's personality Type. If interested, I could direct you to some of the websites I find most useful.
observe something interesting about someone or what they ware, drive or talk about and comment positively, with a smile. Most people have a challenge extending themselves and diminishes the potential for building friendships. Realize that most people are lonely and desire connection and may often feel like you
This is a deep question.