I hope all of you are doing well, lots of love and support and comfort your way <3
How's everyone dealing during this ti... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
How's everyone dealing during this time of mass imposed quarantine?
Amethyst, I'm not feeling somewhat unproductive. I'm "working" from home so don't need to get up at a certain time, so I've lost that structure of being forced to have a schedule. Instead of getting up at 7:30 or 8:00 I get up at 10, 11, 12, or even 1 pm. My already poor sleep habits are now a disaster.
I be like “what day is it?” I Need more a
Structure in my life to be productive
Think everyone’s sleeping habits are off during these pandemic times tho so we’re not alone.
My RDS is acting up which sucks but other than that.....meh
like imo adhd people that are bored are just lost and asking for anxiety lol
My watch has to remind me to breathe
Need more brain stimulation zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ
sorry if in was little extra on this post 😂
Thanks for that Amethyst. I am working from home and pretty much maintaining my same schedule. But starting to go stir crazy. Last night I indulged in feeling sorry for myself by eating a pint of ice cream. Paid for it with IBS at 2 am. Ugh.
It’s not been easy, but I am taking this time to sort my ADHD issues once and for all.
I was diagnosed with ADHD a couple of months ago and I’ve been trying to deal with it but circumstances were far from conducive (challenging even for my non-ADHD partner).
Ironically, l remember just wishing to have a little time to do what I knew I needed to do (from CBT and all sorts of good tips on CCHAD). Well, now I have the time (although I wish it didn’t have to be in such a dramatic way for everyone around the world!), but I am determined to make the most of it and get out of my rut.
It may involve making some hard choices and may change my life in many respects, but I owe to myself and my family. So I will try my hardest.
Good luck to all of you out there and thank you for sharing your experiences
ADHDer trying to make the most of it