I live in rural MN and am finding it difficult to get early intervention care approved by private insurance. Insurance companies only pay for speech, OT, and medications but do not pay for treatments like EIDBI services which would really help kids with ADHD learn coping skills to thrive. All the research and websites highlight the importance of early recognition and treatment of ADHD, but they fail to see the importance of promoting private insurance to cover EIDBI services to ADHD individuals! Has this ever been brought up to the congressional level before? Is this something CHADD has ever tackled before?
Early intervention for ADHD care - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Early intervention for ADHD care

Any suggestions of who I should contact to get more information or to get this issue looked at on a higher level would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
We are from California and have never heard of this..I think this is a local program?
EIDBI ( say it was developed in MN).
I’m in Illinois where, as far as I’m aware, early intervention is free. I just poked around and found a link to MN early intervention. They say it’s available regardless of income. helpmeconnect.web.health.st.... If you want to talk to your congressperson, you could try calling their office. You might have better luck getting a personal response from your reps on the state level, but I’d go ahead and at least poke around all their websites. Sometimes they link to different services.
There is a loophole of sorts in Medicaid where kids with mental health issues, which ADHD qualifies as, qualify for Medicaid even if they don't meet the income requirements. You might see if that can help. Even if you have insurance it'll pick up the copays for that which will save you $ and help you pay for other things.
I’m not sure what services EIB provides but have you tried having your son go through the Kindergarten screening process early? He could start services through the Special Ed department at your local school if he qualifies from his screening results.
Hi there. I can relate. It's so hard to find help. I spent hours calling offices and searching. I finally called the number listed on the back my insurance card for behavioral/metal health and they really helped me find providers in network . Within a few weeks we got a psychiatrist and a behavioral therapist. They also helped understand my benefits better