Parents, what are your biggest concerns as your child enters Middle School, High School, or College? I am an Executive Function Coach and inquiring minds want to know.
Executive Function Coach: Parents, what... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
Executive Function Coach

My daughter was finally diagnosed the summer after graduating from high school. Her problems in middle and high school, and continue in community college, are not noticing (or forgetting) there is as assignment, inability to start studying (or the project), anxiety about asking for help so just avoiding the problem so ends up not doing the assignment, doing the assignment but forgetting to turn it in, anxiety about attending live online or in person classes. How would an ADHD coach help?
Hello! We don’t have a formal ADHD coach but our 17YO sons’ tutor has been acting as one to him/our family. He checks in w/ him to see how he’s doing on assignments, sits with him 2-3 times per week to help him organize his thoughts and to coach him through the steps involved in completion of an assignment. He also facilitates teaching him in learning the processes and coping tools for ADHD related issues.
Our son is in his first year of college at an out-of-state Big 10 university and doing poorly academically so far. He is awaiting formal ADHD assessment, but exhibits many of the traits we have read about (eg unwilling to ask for help, can't focus, anxiety, not doing homework, difficulty starting studying, not turning in assignments, poor organization). He is resistant to help and advice, but will accept some efforts. He will have some minimal additional structure at school due to being placed on academic probation, meet weekly via telemed with his therapist to "check in," and plans to use his calendar and "post it" notes for additional tools. We are concerned about the best way we can support him long distance.