She is getting tested for ADHD/ADD through her doctors office this coming month as well. I'm curious if I should hold off on the assessment through the school or continue with both. I believe we should have kept her in Kinder last year but due to COVID. They decided to send her to 1st anyways. I dont want her to feel different if all she needs is a bit more time to learn if that makes since.
My 6 yr old will be tested at the beg... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
My 6 yr old will be tested at the beginning of the year for special needs/learning disabilities this next month.

Welcome to the group! Each assessment will be different and help each other. I would recommend you asking the medical provider to give you a letter with her needs for the school to help with the school assessment. If she recieves a diagnosis, then request a 504 plan or IEP depending on the outcome of the school assessment. We are here for you and have all been throught this.
Take care,
Agree with suggestion to do both. Our local public school often gives less credibility to outside evaluations than they do to their internal upon the belief that families can manipulate the outside reviewers to seek extra help for their child (I call it the Laurie Laughlin effect). It is maddening and stupid, but real, at least here. Plus the school evaluation is free and can be repeated as often as you like without cost to you. Reach out again when you have the diagnosis and we can help you with the next steps. That's why we are here!!