Hi all, i would really appreciate any reply , seems the endo forum gets loads but no so in adeno forum sadly ...
i am feeling pretty fed up with all my conditions after decades of going round in circles , pain, flareups which have impacted my life and mh:
I have adenomyosis- no endo found with endo specialist lap, most like adeno confirmed also after trans vag initially . Hysterectomy was offered but i asked to think about it and now near 2 years on from lap am having trouble trying to get another decent conversation with gynae again.
I am in menopause at mid 50's .No bleeds anymore but still:
- side rib pain/wind/bladder frequency up to 20 x /day ( cant seem to empty fully and feel like im always needing to go feeling), Feeling like my kidney is sore alot
-abdominal soreness and bloating ( often it feels like i have been punched in the stomach, have a uti , Fatigue, migraines all fibro stuff ( im told)...which i question often in terms of have i really got fibro ( another condition that never seems to be taken seriously)
..... been batted between urology refusing to see me and referring me back to gynae who offer no solution except hyster. But i wanted to discuss this in detail with them to understand any damage to my bladder if i go ahead and not sure it will help as many say makes no difference.
I just need help to understand my condition and the option with someone who has expertise - impossible it seems. I often feel like my symptoms are not bad enough anymore now i dont bleed.
I wonder if i am gas lighting myself now , i feel shame upset for always feeling under pa and sore ( but maybe not bad enough) It seems when you are in menopause you are not important enoufgh anymore because you are not trying to have a baby.
Any kind words or experiences you have had that are similar or include bladder symptoms would be really appreciated! Thank you so much in advance x
Also this community doesnt seem to ahve the feauture to add tags other than lap or hyster?