Does anyone else get pain when you eat it seems to get worse every time even something small like breakfast I have adeno and have pain daily waiting on a hysterectomy thanks in hand x
Adeno and pain when eating in stomach... - Adenomyosis Advic...
Adeno and pain when eating in stomach, why?

Hi. I have recently been diagnosed with Adenomyosis.
4 years ago, after investigation, I was told I had IBS.
About 6 months ago I began experiencing more frequent pain, which felt new/different to IBS so I went to GP.
Still having pains, which my GP dismisses as being caused by the Adenomyosis, so am being referred for further investigation. (Mini pill only treatment offered for Adeno, so am taking to see if helps)
I have read recently that as the uterus and bowel are so close together, it is possible that IBS/Adeno can possibly trigger each other?
So pain after eating could be similar??
...If I find out more, will update you.
Take care x
Oh thank you for your reply, explains a lot, I did get fobbed off with IBS first time round I'm currently waiting on a hysterectomy just need the approval first from another gyne I tried the pill the marina coil etc can't have anti inflammatorys so didn't try that route just want it out now and get back to normal life xx
Interested to hear you were told IBS.
Yup, my life now is daily stomach pain, ache, cramps, sometimes crippling..
I anticipate it will take months/years (from what I have read on here) before I get any relief ☹.
Good luck for hysterectomy, hope it's not too long x
This was the first time I went to dr's about all the pain I had pains when I had my period for years getting worse and I wasn't too bothered about been in agony for a few days a month then I started getting them daily pain started off with a bad period pain and Dr said it could be IBS so gave me buscopan this didn't do nothing so went back and had internal ultrasound and they found adeno and polyps they said the polyps caused my pain and said nothing about the adeno so got them taken out it helped the pain a little so it did cause some of the pain, then went back, again sent for another internal ultrasound because it was a long time inbetween all this, and again a different person said adeno so it was then I started getting taken seriously with my symptoms, even I started to think it's all in my head, seen 3 gynes since and now been referred to see hospital gyne to see if I can have the hysterectomy, daily pain gets worse like labour pains, agony cramps, pain down legs, constipated, back pain, I've probably left loads out spend most of my time on the sofa dosed up on strong painkillers had enough now. 😂 what about you hope you're having a good day and your pain isn't too bad xx
Oh and my periods are 10x worse nothing works for this 😞 x
Oh bless you...I hope you can get a hysterectomy soon!
This issue needs more attention.
When diagnosed, the hosp said THIS is what's causing all your problems. Eg. Pain, heavy periods, anaemia, bloating etc etc
GP said you should only get pain on or around your period with Adeno, so clearly she hasnt got much experience of the problem.
Forums like this are brilliant for raising awareness and sharing experiences.
Your words, and those of others on here, give me the confidence to "battle" onwards for the sake of my quality of life AND those around me who have to put up with it too!
Take care.
Definitely agree it does need more attention, it makes me want them to get my pain for a week when they tell you it's not that bad or it's a period pain, oh I forgot about the bloating I feel pregnant most days too I've also lost weight not a bad thing tho 😂 it is a battle trying to get sorted out this is my 5th year I think, my memory isn't very good now either I forget everything, I also think these forums are great for everyone to talk about how they are and if you get new symptoms I just come on here and read everyone's stories to see if they match. And it's good to have a moan and nobody complains or rolls their eyes at you 😂 you take it easy too Ali. Tammy xx
Hey there. I’m reading your post and wondering if you have had your Hyster yet? I’m also curious as to if anyone has mentioned Endometriosis to you yet? I know Adeno is different but very similar. But if you don’t have a Doc experienced with Endo, you may be getting misdiagnosed/mistreatments. They would only be able to see the Endo in a Laparoscopic surgery. But if you are getting a Hyster, they can see it then. Hyster could- stressing could- also take care of Endo.
Just want to let you know I have pain after eating and had a full abdominal Hysterectomy and still in pain. I think they left Endo on my liver. I specifically asked the doc to check my liver but she said she only felt it. Ugh! I now have to have my 5th surgery
Hay thanks for responding I saw the gyne when I was referred for the hyster and she said I can't have a hysterectomy until I've tried ablation first on the adeno but she's also sending me for a lap I wrote everything down that I could think of that I have and she thinks I could also have endo as well as adeno plus they have to do a few biopsies to check it is adeno in there but I'm still in the dark as I thought I'd be getting the hyster after been referred by the first gyne, I tell you they like to mess people about, I just want to be pain free. Thanks Pnut333 xx