Hi new to this and wanted to introduce myself, I'm a AS & DDD sufferer, pain is a daily given.
Weight has now caused other issues, so have joined too get the much needed support and any advice from anyone who has similar issues. Thanks XX
Hi new to this and wanted to introduce myself, I'm a AS & DDD sufferer, pain is a daily given.
Weight has now caused other issues, so have joined too get the much needed support and any advice from anyone who has similar issues. Thanks XX
Careful, moderate exercise can help with the pain.
Ask your doctor if you’re a candidate for physical therapy. The PT will teach you the exercises you can do, and teach you how to do them so you won’t hurt yourself.
I’ll be thinking of you. Please post back on your progress, ok?
Thank you Lakewolf I will be careful got myself a Fitbit just to check steps and 💓 interesting to say the least.
Also joined a local slimming group so fingers crossed xx
If I have to, I,m going to a local medical center that has a walking program for seniors from 6-8:30 AM , before the place opens. Just gotta get the money to buy the herbs that I’ll use in place of the lisinopril.