I have been waiting for 2 weeks with only dhydracoadine I came of butrans patch they weren't strong enough his personal assistant has emailed him twice I feel they don't care about us
Pain clinic are crap: I have been waiting for... - Action on Pain
Pain clinic are crap
Buttons Patches may I ask what was the dosage as the step from Buprenorphine to Dihydro-codeine DF118/DF-Forte, a better pain killer particularly on Bone, Teeth and Skeletal-muscular pain. The reduction in both Physical/Mental withdrawals, depending on dosage though unlikely, and as a pain killer is quite significant. There is a stigma in Pain Management particularly in Opioid based medications due to their addictiveness / Black market value is all counter to their usage.
Did Butrans help?
What was your pain level like 0-10 scale 0 being nil to 10 extreme acute pain AND at what dosage level of Butrans Lowest is 7.5mcg/hour = 0.18mg/24 Hours - Highest 20mcg = 0.48mg/24hours?.
Have you any experience on taking Dihydro-codeine? What is the exact pain type i.e. Throbbing, Sharp intermittent pains, Muscular, bone, etc?.
If you give me an idea of your diagnosis I will be able to advise you well as I'm an Academic suffering from BiPolar+Back pain due to an incident in Rugby. I have a bent spine in the thoracic vertebrae. I've had operations but they partially solved pain in lower limbs but not above the bend including skeletal and muscular pain. Additionally I have the start of Rheumatoid-osteo-artheritus in my fibular/tibular just above the ankle where I broke my leg.
The problem I have as an ex Polysubstance abuser from Oral ROA through to IV so I get harsh treatment despite it being in the past. Take Care I look forward to hearing from you if you are interested.
I wrote a letter of complaint to my Rhumetologist and copied it to my Diabetic Consultant and GP. Sorted the problem quickly but I don't think we are going to be friends! 😂😂😂