For those of you suffering from chronic pain and feel they have been on the NHS treadmill for long enough without any diagnosis I would definitely recommend doing some reading. Even for those of you that have a diagnosis, and are being treated unsuccessfully, there may be another diagnosis that no doctor in the UK is going to give you.
Your brain is capable of many things that medical science cannot explain and of all the organs in our body, the brain is the one we known the least about. Physically we known quite a bit about it, but mentally we know very little. This is because our brains are neurologically wired by our upbringing, education,, and we're all different. Your mind is capable of preventing you from feeling up unpleasant and painful emotions and it does this by distraction. In effect, it can produce psychological pain in a physical form and it can condition you into thinking certain activities are painful when they aren't (like Pavlo's dogs were trained) to distract you from the real psychological pain.
I found this hard to accept initially and no-one was going to convince me it was all in my head...but the more I read about it the more it made sense. I am off all medication now and feeling I am on a better path to recovery with the help of a psychologist than any medical consultant, physiotherapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist has provided. It all started we I started reading some books recommended by a friend.
The Great Pain Deception by Steven Ray Ozanich
Healing Back Pain by John E Sarno
The Divided Mind by John E Sarno
Try it, you never know....