I recently relocated several hrs away from my home town i been trying to find a new primary care physician which hasnt been easy.....the 1st 2 clinics reviewed my medical records then called and said they wouldnt be able to take me as a new patient. No explanation and I asked. I picked up my records took them to another clinic across town actually got an appt scheduled (i went today) filled out all the paperwork spent 45 mins answering medical history questions for myself & family history listed all surgeries so on n so forth...when the dr came in first thing she said to me was that die to guidelines of the clinic they dont prescribe pain meds on a 1st visit (ok understandable) she went on to say she'd not prescribe them at all but had i tried amitriptyline nortriptyline neurontin etc.. I examine that since ive been taking psyc meds for 20+ yrs the meds she suggested Ive already taken to treat my bipolar disorder borderline personality disorder & anxiety I did not do well on them and i wasnt willing to go back on any of them so i could suffer from the side affects again and throw my body totally out of whack well worse than it is right now. She shrugged and totally dismissed anymore conversation concerning my chronic pain. I asked about a pain med specialist she said sure but they don't prescribe anything either....Im at a total loss i dont know what to do next or who to talk to this is a valid diagnosis its in my medical records but nobody will treat it! So am I to believe im cured because nobody will treat me (obviously im not cured in a 30min conversation ) but thats how i kinda felt i was to think by time i left my appt.
Please if anyone has any kind of information suggestions or whatever please please let me know.
thank you