yearly scans since diagnosed
I get a whooshing noise in my right e... - Acoustic Neuroma ...
I get a whooshing noise in my right ear only when lying down or bending down .This has come in the last 2 months AN diagnoised 3 years
I would suggest you get an appointment with your specialist and mention it to him/her. Although I am not medically trained, it could be Tinnitus (I don't have an AN myself but I do suffer from Tinnitus and often find I get a whooshing sound when bending down - I have always thought it was something to do with blood pressure!) As you have been diagnosed with an AN I do think you should always get any new "symptoms" checked out to be on the safe side. Good luck and if you find out what it is do pop back and let us know.
Best wishes
I have that and also when I hear a sudden unexpected noise or like a wasp passes my earrrr etc, it is tinnitus I am told. Kristyll
I did post about a thumping in my right ear, my an's were in my left ear and removed 25 years ago. The thumping was quite severe especially in bed and I could only sleep on my left side. However having pestered my GP for a follow up MRI which showed nothing apart from all the nerves tangled up on the op side the thumping now seems to be fading away. Lets hope it goes for good. Keith
Presume it's tinnitus, which can be more than just ringing sounds. Hope for it to go away!
I have an AN and have a whooshing noise which has been confirmed tinnitus, I also have the constant ringing as well, which can be extremely annoying, I having a hearing aid fitted soon and have been told it may help with the tinnitus.
I have a whooping noise and have a AN the noise has been confirmed tinnutus.