All right so here's a bunch of things that I guess I'm going to have to try now which I don't fucking want to that's what is so upsetting about this is that this is something I do not want to do I want to be a loving and sweet and perfect girlfriend and supportive and everything but you know I'm not receiving that so I'm not going to give and give and give like I used to I'm sorry but I just won't do that so I suppose this is what I have to do and it's going to really suck and it's probably going to ruin it but I mean I got to try something.:
1. Don't push for plans, if he wants to do something with me he can initiate it.
2. No begging for sex, hence here and there maybe but again I will let him initiate it. And I've been doing that and it has not been working I guess because he doesn't want to have sex with me.
3. Stop pushing for conversations because obviously he doesn't want to have them and your thoughts and opinions are clearly not his priority.
4. Stop telling him gross things about you, that is simply just gross and men are not attracted to that
5. Also the opposite don't try to dress up all fancy for him because he doesn't really do that for you and he doesn't even appreciate it when you do so
6. Stop calling him when he's at work
7. Stop asking him how his day was, make him bring it up if he wants to talk about it
8. Maybe stop telling him so much about your day because he clearly doesn't give a fuck
9. Never wake him up quote early for breakfast and sex before work because it's not going to work it never works
10. Pay the bills on the 15th $550 each month.
11. Stop degrading yourself in front of him I don't think that's something you should be doing even if he's a liar and he always says that I look so beautiful blah blah blah he's just lying
12. I know he's been masturbating and stuff and lying to me about it and it kind of pisses me the f*** off because he's lying so I'm just going to stop asking him and let him live his God damn life
13. Stop cooking for him until he learns to appreciate you more
14. Few kisses, I think he needs to appreciate your personality more
15. if you did not ask for your help don't fucking try to help him
16. Generally just ignore him and treat him like shit until he shows some kind of actual appreciation for you and remorse for treating you bad and changes.