Hi I have recently joined. My depression has been hitting me really hard since COVID, now Winter, and the regular stuff in dealing with. I really just want people to talk to that relate to this feeling. I know I'm not alone but I often feel that I am and it gets hard to get past that internalized feeling.
Wanting to Connect and Lessen the Lon... - Above & Beyond - ...
Wanting to Connect and Lessen the Loneliness
Hi Shaye001, I've been through bad times. I know it's not the same thing. Life does get better but it takes work.
Hiya Shaye001
I’ve just had a few weeks of low mood - I’ve had it on and off for many years. And when it hits you, you just feel like it will go on forever, but it won’t. It will lift.
I’ve noticed an increase in birdsong and activity where I live, have you? The birds know that Spring isn’t too far away.
And the weather app tells me that the days are now 1/2 hour longer than at the beginning of January.
If you work, and you get a lunch break, try nipping outside for 5 minutes so you get to see daylight. Taking vitamin D is also great.
But, no, you’re not alone. Loads of us know how you feel, and how much effort it takes just to keep on with the day to day activities.
So take care of yourself and remember, things will get better. 🙂
hi and welcome to you.