Anyones try lithium for mood shifts from wanna die to super happy but mostly wanna die
Lihium: Anyones try lithium for mood... - Above & Beyond - ...
Hi there Ronnie282
The mood shifts could be either be your condition or the medication but whichever it is, it is not helpful for you. It must be really hard to cope on a day to day basis.
Definitely one to chat to the Doctor about Ronnie.
Hopefully, someone else will have experience of this.
Hello Ronnie 282,
If you feel that lithium may help with your mood shifts you need to talk to your GP or CPN (community psychiatric nurse) if you have one. They will know whether Lithium is the right medication for you.
I have been on Lithium for over 10 years. I was diagnosed with severe and enduring depression and suffered from mood swings. My GP had had psychiatric training and he recommended lithium to me. I was given some material to read about lithium before deciding whether I wanted to give it a try. Regular blood tests are very important to check your levels of lithium. You will have more frequent blood tests when you start taking lithium until your lithium levels stabilise at the correct dose. A medical alert card has to be carried at all times too. You cannot take any anti-inflammatory medication e.g. Ibuprofen when taking Lithium.
I still have mood swings but I am much more calm. The highs are not as high and the lows are not as low. However I can still feel as low as one can get but there is always a reason for this.
I hope this is helpful Ronnie, do let us know how you get on.
Thank you for your experienced reply. I will see my doct tomorrow. I hope l can at least try for a month
i think we have to be very careful when discussing medications., whether negative or positive experiences. There is only one answer--see your doctor