Do you hear T 24/7: Hi all, just wondering if... - Tinnitus UK

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Do you hear T 24/7

redcarboy profile image
19 Replies

Hi all, just wondering if anyone hears T all the time? I've had T for 20yrs the first 15yrs it didn't bother me much but the last 5yrs it seemed to get a lot louder an changing pitch, I hear it over almost all every day sounds so very difficult to mask? Any tips welcome

I would say the t volume from 1 - 10 is an 7-8 for me 😡

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redcarboy profile image
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19 Replies

Keep relaxing music on around you when need a tinnitus break.

Have your hearing checked to see if a white noise generator or hearing aid would be of help to you.

Love glynis

Hi Redcarboy, Was told 1 year ago i had T they say mine is because i have tmjd. Its never got any lower its there 24/7 cant remember the last time i slept for 6 hrs, Got hearing aid 2mths ago as lost a lot of hearing in left side if i leave it in more then 30 mins wham ear infection audiology said it was a waste of time using hear aid as it was causing so many other problems in my ear which is from the tmjd. Basically he said get on with it so did ent lol, Some days the gas oven looks so inviting ... Had pre op assessment 19th June for jaw wash out nurse said your in in 2 days for op i was so excited then she said wait while i check why you haven't got yr admission letter basically came back they had another person in my place i was told they would be in touch over a mth later am still waiting x I would say my T volume 1-10 is 10

Hi redcarboy

I've had T for 3 years, I had not even heard of the condition before, worried so went to see the doctor he said that I have tinnitus,from then on I was more aware of T and it really took hold, the more attention I gave it the tighter its grip.

I still have T and its there all day I just try to keep busy, the radio goes on soon as I get home, I have a fan by my bed as well.

The best thing I found was to not give it any attention.

6 - 10 and I hate the condition, I can't really talk to anyone either, they can't see or hear it 👂

PeteCatton profile image

Do you wear a hearing aid,I have had T since Jan 15th 2000 and likel you the first 15 years we're ok. But like you now have 24/7. It interferes with everything, I have moderate hearing loss in T ear I wear hearing aid with noise generator built in . This helps a lot I fit it after I have showered then put in and take it out when going to bed. Bedtimes are nightmare, good luck


every morning every dinner time every night , all the time

drumcraw profile image

hi redcarboy, i hear my T 24/7 also mine ranges from 2 to 10, its variable so never know when its gonna be aloud day or fairly quiet one, its terrible as cant really plan anything ahead i live on flight path of edinburgh airport so planes are quite low when the pass over my house. some days my T is louder than the planes!!!!!!!!!

drumcraw profile image
drumcraw in reply to drumcraw

forgot to say im in my fifth year with it

GDJTAM profile image

Hi Redcarboy,

A tough ask but try not to give T the time of day, keep your mind active and never feed it with silence. I get mine 24/7 and I get different noises with whatever I'm doing, walking, I get loud hissing, lying down I get high pitched tones, watching TV I get both? I decided early on that however annoying it gets no one without T will understand, so. I don't get stressed anymore and try different coping methods. A fan or air conditioning noises from my App sorts me out at bedtime.

Take care


Lindsay6 profile image

Hi redcarboy , Gail and all the others who have commented . I mention Gail as i too have range of other problems which are , after asking for years for some kind of explanation , have been linked to TMJ in the last two weeks. My tinnitus has always been 24/ 7 but started in 1 ear , say 2/ 10 and now is in both 10/10 as it's above every sound at home or in the street or driving down an busy A Road at a speed that is almost as fast as the hiss ! I Thanks to an amazing Tinnitus Therapist I saw privately a few years ago ( by skype) , when I texted her my ' symptoms ' this week , she straight away sent me a chapter from an audiologists book by David Baguely who you may have heard of / read . It' about Tonic Tensor Tympani Syndrome. I would have cried when I read it , except I kept say - yep , that's me , yep that's me for all of the article. If yiu google it theres useful information There's a good summary by a charity like BTA but I don't know if we are allowed to put in weblinks . I am trying to see this as a positive - I emailed the article to my audiologist and will take it to ENT consultant who has been telling me there's nothing wrong ! I am very lucky that I can sleep - most recently a pillow mist seems to help, though I do wake every two hours . I refuse to give in , but find it hard that for the first time in my life I have a home and establishing new interests and friends outside of through work , and find it a bit ' unfair ' that it takes so much energy not to do a Vincent . I am trying a very deep relaxation / hypnotherapy type session on Monday - will let you know if it helps. BIG HUG AND BEST WISHES TO EVERYONE xx

in reply to Lindsay6

Hi Lindsay6, So sorry to hear you have been told you have tmj problems not nice at all drives me crazy so much pain im on liquid diet as teeth are locked soiled, Im glad though that you have found out after many years of suffering what it is makes life a bit easier knowing what it is, sure hope they have refereed you to the maxillofacial unit xxx You made me laugh about Vincent know exactly what you mean xx Take care big hugs keep chin up xxx just going to read about what you put xx

Angela-H profile image
Angela-H in reply to Lindsay6

Hi Lindsay, hope you found a way forward and some relief after your session today? Love and a hug, Angela xx

Lindsay6 profile image
Lindsay6 in reply to Angela-H

Hi Angela. thank you for your kind thoughts . I am just in the library having had my ' hissy coffee as I call it . I find it relaxing here ( and since moving I haven't got TV / broadband at home ) . It was useful - I lot of my awareness and insight was shared as well as linking in with her skills. the ' deep stuff' was ' good' but brought forth tears. The second part , the ' hypnotherapy' based around tinnitus that she had done with a member at support group , didn't work for me . However it did help me to explain more how my tinnitus sounds -like a ferocious highly charged , frenetic , high voltage , out of control , strong , wilfull man ( not Lindsay) made electricity - and that I would like to work on it becoming ' in my mind' like my beloved sea which is also strong , powerful but in a good , fun and happy memories way ( to me anyway). . She will make a personalised hypnotherapy thing ( !!!) and then if it works next week , record it for me to use. Its VERY expensive but hopefully it'll help. I will of course share any success with everyone ( you have all had enough of my moaning!) . Hope you are ok - ish ?

Angela-H profile image
Angela-H in reply to Lindsay6

Hi Lindsay, no need to thank me. I feel for you and think you do so well considering your burden. And, moving house too! My daughter and her partner have moved - she was 60 miles away from me but is now 200 miles away - and I helped with some of the packing-up and was there when the removal van came. Whew, so much to think about and do! No wonder your T is bothersome. I truly hope that your new home brings calm into your life and hence the T should quieten as it feeds on stress.

Is there a garden at your new home? I find gardening a good distraction. Ha ha at least my garden is prettier - before T came I didn't like to be alone in the house, now I don't like going out!

Fingers crossed the hypnotherapy helps. Love and a hug, Angela xx

ade-the-pade profile image


I have it 24/7 for the last 15 months. It can change in loudness from day to say

The pitch and tone also changes. It is less intrusive when I am busy

All in all. Very annoying.

No real cure . I have tried lots of medication with little success

Keeping busy and avoiding silence seems to be the most effective. Good luck on your journey to living with this.



Angela-H profile image

Hi redcarboy, 2+ years into tinnitus and thankfully I get very quiet days. Then it gets bothersome for no good reason for a day or two, but nowhere near as bad or painful as when I got it. (Not noise induced). Love, Angela xx

whywouldi profile image

Hello mate, same as for last ten years ,hospitals rate me as CHRONIC one below CATASTROPHIC T, you must get a pair of hearing aids NHS they are standard issue now in Scottish hospitals for Tinnitus, tell your GP and he will refer you to ent department at hospital reduce your T by fifty percent, good luck Jeff

redcarboy profile image
redcarboy in reply to whywouldi

Hi Jeff. How do they measure t to determine the t levels?

whywouldi profile image
whywouldi in reply to redcarboy

Hi,redcar,they takeyou in to Hospital,in my case Crosshouse Hospital and put you in a soundproof room,then they fit you with a metal crash helmet(wires going everywhere) they run low Electric current through your skull for about 30 minutes and take readings on internal volume against the Normal volume in a soundproof room,my readings came back as CHRONIC T, of luck mate,and dont forget to get those hearing aids,they cut the volume in half.regards jeff

NicTinnitus profile image

Hi Redcarboy

It might be worth having your hearing checked if you haven't had a hearing test recently. Unfortunately, our hearing tends to get less acute as we get older, and tinnitus can sound louder if our hearing isn't as good.

If you have any questions, the crew here are great, or call our helpline on 0800 018 0527

Nic (BTA Communications Manager)

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