Back to normal: Well after a lovely quiter day... - Tinnitus UK

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Back to normal

Lesley2065 profile image
13 Replies

Well after a lovely quiter day on saturday, T has been louder again yesterday and this morning its ringing well. So frustrating when you've had a good day to be followed by noisier times. Yet i kept myself busy yesterday and was out in the sunshine but this didn't make any difference. Oh well guess thats the nature of this beast but at the moment Im having 2 days of less intrusive T and 5 days of louder ringing. Wish it was the other way around as then it wouldbe more bearable. Oh well off to work now so lets hope it calms down enough in order for me to concentrate on my job. Have a good week everyone Love Lesley xxx

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Lesley2065 profile image
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13 Replies
SteveFeldo profile image

Hi Lesley, it's a pain isn't it?? I had a good weekend, both Saturday and Sunday were pretty good but today my electrical hissing and whining is back. Similar to yourself, I have good days and bad days but I'm pretty happy to have had two days with no maskers and no focus on T. Hopefully tomorrow will be better 🤔 Cheers, Steve

Hi Lesley,

Lovely photo.

Hope your tinnitus settles down for you as the day goes on.

Had a nice weekend and eventful.

Washer went bang and smoke and sparks so went shopping for a new one.

Won money on the Grand National as backed the winner 'One For Arthur ' after my dad who died last year.

Meal out and summer shopping....

Lots of love glynis

Hi Lesley that's the same as me I had a lovely day Saturday but Sunday and Monday it has been louder so frustrating I try not to dwell on it but I can't not dwell when it's going all the time I suppose it's just getting on with it and hopefully it will come David xx

Ruud1boy profile image

Me too! Not too bad over the weekend, but then massively louder today and struggling to maintain concentration at work. I'm doing my regular internet searches for 'tinnitus emergency' and variations on that theme. Currently searching for 'hair cell regeneration'..........we live in hope.

Angela-H profile image

Hi Lesley and thanks for posting the photo to cheer us up. I will have to find out how to post photos - am still finding my way around this iPhone - well, the fact is that I would rather be actually doing things than taking time gazing at my iPhone!

I wish there were answers to our T questions. I had a lovely weekend out and about or just sitting in the sunshine and then, wham, because I didn't get to sleep within 15 minutes or so, my T began sounds I hadn't heard before - aaaaarrrrgh! So fed-up of trying to tame the beast. Anyway, I woke up with it at its usual level and when I put in my hearing aid it calmed down. But, driving up the motorway from my fella's this morning - we live 50 miles apart - and up it went again. When I got home it got quieter but it is still annoying me. Omg what a condition to have to deal with, day in, day out, as we say in these parts!

Thank heavens for forum friends and their support. Love and best wishes, Angela xx

bee4 profile image

Hi Lesley, what a beautiful photo, where was it ? Glad your out and enjoying the beautiful days! XOXO

Lesley2065 profile image
Lesley2065 in reply to bee4

Its Arundel castle in west sussex. A lovely town with lots of cafes, antique shops. A cathedral and a wetland centre on the outskirts and the river arun. Beautiful place and will be going back again as want to visit castle as missed it this time. Love lesley x

bee4 profile image
bee4 in reply to Lesley2065

oh it looks beautiful! thanks for posting it ! I just figured out how to post a photo, so I posted a picture:) XOXO

musician12 profile image

Hello Lesley. It was nice to read your post. I started with vertigo about 4 weeks ago. I have constant tinnitus and find it difficult to sleep at night. Sometimes T is very loud, and others quieter. Your post has given me some hope that I might get back to work, at the moment I am in fear of loosing my job as the doctor has signed me off for another 2 weeks, which is over a month now, how do you cope with your job? I am a carer/support worker, I not sure I would be able to concentrate. Hope you have a good week. x

Lesley2065 profile image
Lesley2065 in reply to musician12

Hi musician12, im sorry to hear you've joined "our Tinny club" but rest assurred you will get lots of support and advice on this forum which will be a tremendous help to helping you adjust to life with T.

I dont have vertigo but this must make things worse for you. Im sure there are others who can advise you on this.

I work as a nurse in the operating room in theatres. So do have lots of distractions but when i first got T and wasnt sleeping it was hard to concentrate on what i had to do but this was also because i was grieving after losing my mother a few months prior to noticing I had tinntus.

I went to GP and asked to be referred to Ent and was given sleeping tablets but could only take them 2 or 3 times a week. I also was going for bereavement counselling which helped with my grief

. It was a torrid time though but the one thing that i read somewhere about Tinnitus, is that it can't hurt you and after that i began to come to terms with my T. I found the Bta website too and became a member. I brought the sound oasis machine and used that at night to help me get off to sleep and slowly but surely i became more adjusted to life with T and decided that it wasnt going to spoil my life. Yes i still have bad days and get fed up with it but i just carry on.

Theres no shame in having to have time off from work and i hope you're GP is being sympathetic but ask them to refer you to audiology as they can help with managing T more than ent but you may need to have mri to rule out acoustic nueroma.

I have a hearing aide with a masker as have slight hearing loss but its not doing me as good as it does some people but there's no reason why it cant help you.

I also use concentrated cherry juice to help me sleep which you can buy at holland and barrett.

Theres no cure for tinnitus at the moment but do not dwell on this as it will only make it worse. But there are ways to manage it so you can learn to accept it and come to terms with it. Check out the bta website as that has loads of info.

Above all else, just live your life as you want too and try not to let it get you down.

Love lesley x

musician12 profile image
musician12 in reply to Lesley2065

Hi Lesley. Thank you for your reply. The forum has been very supportive, and helps me when I am really low. I admire your resilience in getting back to work, and I understand your grieving as I too have lost my mum. I have an appointment with ENT but they have a 5 week waiting period, the doctor said she would try and get me in sooner. I am using relaxation music off Youtube at night and that is helping. My Doctor is very good, and is now saying it might be something just stuck to a hair in the inner ear, so I am still hopeful of getting rid of the racket in my head, but a part of me thinks I am stuck with it.

I am much worse in the mornings, so I am considering whether I would be able to work just in the afternoons, but have lost some of my confidence, at the moment.

Thanks for all your advice, which I will take on board, and thanks for being so positive in this horrible darkness. I hope you keep well, as much as is possible. Take Care x

LuverlyLucie profile image

Hi Lesley. It's the same here. I I went out on Saturday but had to come back because the T was so bad I had a massive meltdown. Sunday was bliss and I felt human again. For the last two days it's been loud again. Coped okay yesterday but it was hard work today. Usually I get about one very low level T day a week. I did get a lot of rest on Saturday and I listened to my Neuromonics sound App but not sure if any of that made the difference. LLx

Angela-H profile image

Hi Musician and Lucie, Lesley is spot on with her advice. You won't find better information or supportive people than on this forum. If it is worth knowing, the BTA WILL let us know, of that I am sure! I was in a dreadful state when T got me 2 years ago but my life is now back to normal and most times I forget that I have T. Love and best wishes, Angela xx

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