Distracted by going to friends drinks & nibbles - Tinnitus UK

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Distracted by going to friends drinks & nibbles

7 Replies

I went to friends tonight for a pre Xmas drink's & eats my tinnitus was quite noticeable but once I was among friends chatting and making light chat i could hardly notice my tinnitus so is there something in just being distracted which obviously works i came home a happy chap. David

7 Replies
Lesley2065 profile image

Hi David,

So pleased you had an enjoyable evening and T wasn't bothering you. It's very true what you say about distraction and not noticing T when that happens. It would be great if we could do this all the time as it would make all the difference. Mines been playing up this week, but I think that's due to the build up to Christmas. But I also wonder if its down to the damp weather as it seems to get worse when the weather changes.

Well done you though for being able to push it into the background and hope it lasts a few days at least.

Lesley x

Angela-H profile image
Angela-H in reply to Lesley2065

Hi Lesley, hope your T quietens soon - mine has been up and down all week. As you say, if only we could distract from it most of the time. Love Angela xx

Angela-H profile image

That's good news David, being with friends is the best way I know to make me forget the T. May you have many more happy times with friends. Let the festivities begin 🎅🏻Xx

Great to hear David,

Don't let tinnitus take away your enjoyment in life and nothing better than being with friends and showing your ears who's the boss....lots of love glynis

Meerkay profile image

Distraction is the answer! I found pilates was quite good, actually, as I couldn't concentrate on that and the tinnitus at the same time. Wishing you all a peaceful Christmas.

A very well done David, you know your post made me feel so good, it was so nice to see that you had a good and enjoyable evening and that for a few hours the pressure of your Tinnitus was lifted.

Best regards, Pete.

in reply to

Hi Pete glad i did you some good i also slept luke a log only woke up once wonder if a glass of wine is better than taking medicine ..take care my friend. Dave

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