Posts - Multiple System Atrophy Trust | HealthUnlocked

Multiple System Atrophy Trust

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All posts for June 2023

The Path Forward?

Hi, My father has advanced MSA. He is bed-bound and cannot sit up on his own. A...

Thursday Chuckle

A young jogger is running through his local park one morning and sees an elderly...


Sadly I lost my partner Frank to this awful disease March 28th he was only 53 wh...
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Hi can I ask how you all cope if working full time and being a carer ? I am exha...

Chuckle time

Cringe worthy Duck walks into a bar “Hey barman, got any duck seed?” Barman ...


MSA is just an awful disease I had to watch my Partner and beloved Frank slowly ...

journey to hell

what a shite journey this is! husband is 52, I’m 50. Just got married. Hoists...
Kaye31 profile image

A retirement we couldn’t have imagined.

SJ started losing his balance and having difficulty walking early 2019. After a...


hi. I have msa c I take 600 mg a day of gabapentin for nerve pain recently. I’v...
butlin profile image

Change of diagnosis!

I have been in hospital for 10 day’s following a stroke scare. They have now de...
Bizzyissy profile image

Thursday Chuckle

There are two identical twin brothers that live together. One happens to be a we...

Support for carers

Hello all, I’m Jane: my husband had MSA(P) and I shudder to think how I might ha...
Janeyl profile image

Mum newly diagnosed with MSA-P and we are all struggling

Hello everyone I hope you don’t mind me starting a post, I’ve never really use...

Pain with catheter

Hi, I don't know if anyone else has similar experience to my husband and can off...

Thursday Chuckle

A man on his Harley motorcycle was riding along a California beach when suddenly...

Clinical Trials

Hello Just wondering if anyone has considered clinical trials? I volunteer...
esj20 profile image

Thank you everyone

MSA is completely pants, I'm sure we'll all agree although, I'm finding everyone...
esj20 profile image

Involuntary nasal dripping when eating

Does anyone else have this? I think it may have a name - Gustatory Rhinitis! My ...
MrsDoodah profile image

balance and falls

hi I haven’t been on here for a while, over the last few months I’ve been loos...
Suz64 profile image

Think of a lovely sandy beach!

Now think of how to walk safely (if not elegantly!) on one! Posted for a fellow ...
Gill-C profile image

Bloody eyesight

hello all having Just spent a small fortune on new glasses ( equivalent to the ...
esj20 profile image

Thursday Chuckle

A woman decided to give herself a big treat for her 70th birthday by staying ove...


Does anyone produce copious amounts of saliva? Does anyone have a jaw that fr...
Parklove profile image

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