Posts - Multiple System Atrophy Trust | HealthUnlocked

Multiple System Atrophy Trust

1,677 members1,315 posts

All posts for July 2019

Thanks for the Support & Info!

Thank you to everyone that posted a response to my initial questions. I am in t...

Problems with bowels

Hi My husband is having dreadful problems with his bowels, The Drs said it is n...

Helping my brother who has MSA

My brother is currently in hospital 11 months now with MSA as a result of cronic...
scarke profile image
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Hi has anyone had a problem with I BS if so can you recommend medication
butlin profile image

Breath holding

Hi, Sorry if I have posted something similar before but just wondering if anyone...
Keycode profile image

New Here!

Husband has been diagnosed with MSA in 2017. Previously diagnosed with Ataxia i...
heysunshine profile image

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