Posts - Multiple System Atrophy Trust | HealthUnlocked

Multiple System Atrophy Trust

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All posts for September 2022

autonomic dysfunction?

in the early stages is autonomic dysfunction usual and part of diagnosis? I’ve ...
PaulaG3 profile image

elevated ferritin

hello all I hope you have found something to smile about today. I know I can le...
PaulaG3 profile image

Thursday chuckle

The world's leading expert on European wasps walks into a record shop. He asks ...
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Skin problems

Hi My partner had recently been diagnosed with psorasis guttae and now has anot...
LadyL54 profile image

Pear shaped

hi all. My mother in law was diagnosed with MSA with parkinsonism in june. She...
GP1988 profile image

Financial advice

After being diagnosed with MSA in Early August my condition has worsened quite d...
BCFC100 profile image


Saw the consultant on Monday and for a variety of reasons that I cannot go into ...
Polesden profile image


There are quite a lot of posts asking about disease stages, it's a common theme ...


Hi All Can anyone recommend a seat cushion? M keeps getting a numb bum whils...
Spudwelly profile image

Elderly MSA care

Hi all My dad, 80, was diagnosed with MSA in 2019. Given his age, this is eith...
MSA_Daughter profile image

I cannot find actual stages. Do they exist?

my father was diagnosed last year. I believe he has had it for a few years atlea...
Mamatomany profile image

Swallowing, mucus, and coughing- is it leading to aspiration?

We are still awaiting my husband’s appointment with a neurologist on the 26th. ...
Jillian100 profile image

Thursday chuckle

A pensioner drove his brand new BMW to 100 mph, looking in his rear view mirror,...

4 years on

My only brother was diagnosed 4 years ago with MSA following a lifetime of drink...
scarke profile image

visually impaired and MSA

Hi hubby has MSA along with visual impairment (retinitis pigmentosa and uses wh...
567LMN profile image

Feedback on Augmentative and Alternative Communication please

I’d really appreciate your experiences on how you are communicating as a caregiv...
Dankhl profile image


Ok, so not quite just today , I've kept it under observation for 4 days, but it ...

help please - is this end stage MSA?

Hello I’m new here and would really appreciate your sharing as my husband is s...
Dankhl profile image

Thursday Chuckle

To all my readers following the passing of her majesty Queen Elizabeth I decided...

Fall alarms

Does anyone else experience problems with fall alarms? We are having continual...
Honghua profile image

newly diagnosed

in March earlier this year I was diagnosed with Cerebellar Ataxia by a neurologi...
PaulaG3 profile image

Greater Manchester in person support group - this week

Greater Manchester Support Group Thursday  15thof September 1:30pm – 3:30pm   S...

Any recommendations for a tablet/device with large keys/easier access for MSA sufferers?

hi, this may have been asked before, so apologies if so. My dads condition ha...
HertsChris profile image


hi did not get that far as having Botox injections as they said it was to compl...

unsupported and very much on my own

I am continually angry and frustrated with everything and everyone that I have t...
Nichod100 profile image

supapubic update

Peter is in A&E not having much luck as draining in bag but also coming out of ...
MF31 profile image


Peter down having suprapubic done as I’m sitting waiting I’m just hoping this wi...
MF31 profile image


just had a quote for a walk in bath with a seat that goes up and down for easy a...
Suz64 profile image

Thursday Chuckle

An 80-year-old lady was marrying for the 4th time. A newspaper asked if she wou...

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