Posts - Multiple System Atrophy Trust | HealthUnlocked

Multiple System Atrophy Trust

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All posts for March 2023

Thursday Chuckle

One day a biker dies and finds himself in hell. As he is wallowing in despair, h...

painful toes

hi, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in2020. This changed to MSA-P in 2022 . My ...
Trudy2020 profile image

Thursday chuckle

A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she laid her pet ...
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Holiday planning

My wife wants to do a holiday abroad on a cruise later this year, but I'm wonder...
Derek1uk profile image

CBD oil/gumming Etc

Hello, now I know I'm pretty new to the group as my wife was diagnosed on 12th M...
Derek1uk profile image

Muscle weakness

Hello everyone, I am so sorry to ask for some of your time. I am a 36 year ol...
Thingirl profile image

Thursday chuckle

An Elderly Woman Gets Pulled Over For Speeding...Older Woman: Is there a problem...

Journey of Confusion

My wife's journey of confusion started on the 29th Jan 2023 when FINALLY she was...
Derek1uk profile image


We have found a local self-employed carer who is available for 2 or more hours a...

aspiration pneumonia and trouble swallowing

Hello all! My father (74) has MSA. We know since last november.until then we th...
Olivia-76 profile image

MSA affected by Covid

My husband who is 5 years into this dreadful condition is currently in hospital ...
Jud11 profile image

Thursday chuckle

In a crowded city at a busy bus stop, a woman who was waiting for a bus was wear...

research article from 2018: Continuous glucose monitoring can disclose glucose fluctuation in advanced Parkinsonian syndromes

here's the link to the full article -

Free at last!

Well almost, transport should be here in 10 minutes. Can't wait to get home. ...

any advice welcome

morning my hwp is going to atypical clinic on Wednesday - since christmas his bl...
Epace profile image

Working life and Careers

Morning all, Just a quick question; of those diagnosed with MSA do you still...
esj20 profile image


Work stopped, hobbies stopped, talking compromised, smiling impaired,etc,etc. so...

The passing of my wife

It is with great sadness my Susan passed away today a 2pm. She was 64 has had MS...
Ovx823k profile image

Always look on the bright side of life : de dumm de dumdy de dum de dum

Ś 🎵look it cld have been worseand worse....I cld have sung it to you🎶After ...
Polesden11 profile image

Thursday Chuckle

A woman, cranky because her husband was late coming home again, decided to leave...

Head support

Hi, my husband really struggles sitting on a dining chair for longer than about ...

Bugger it didn't mean to do that now I'm in the dog-house ...

I'd be interested to know if yoou have an animal and dooes it helpWe h...

Just curious(Tales from the Dog-house)???????

Being bored silly stuck here in hospital for almost a month again I've been ...
Polesden11 profile image

New Book

Hi just ordered this book from Amazon may be a good and helpful read
Ruthi15 profile image

MotoMed Leg exerciser wanted

Is there anyone who has a Motomed leg exerciser which they no longer use? We're...

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