Posts - Multiple System Atrophy Trust | HealthUnlocked

Multiple System Atrophy Trust

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All posts for February 2022

Dizziness and MSA

My husband has MSA and one of the main problems is dizziness. We thought it was...
Redjune1 profile image

Rate of progression

Im concerned about the rapid progression- my husband was walking with a cane and...
MARYELLOW profile image

CPD Oil update

All After a recent post by myself about CPD oil I have decided to share some fin...
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Thursday Chuckle

An old man lay sprawled across three entire seats in the movie theatre. When th...


My wife has been diagnosed work MSA...what now?
Jiempies profile image

Travel insurance

Hi there What travel insurance do people use for travel abroad? Many thanks
Kaye31 profile image

CBD Oil?

Hi All Does anyone use or has used CBD oil? Do you have any stories of benefits ...

Thursday Chuckle

A cowboy told his grandson the secret to a long life, he said, "you gotta sprin...

Can you believe..

It's 2 weeks today since I spoke with a nurse practìoner in the suŕgèŕy and said...
Westcott profile image

Thursday Chuckle

Bill and his wife Blanche go to the state fair every year, And every year Bill w...

Norman wisdom-esque (REMAINDER!!

Sorry being with these carers is sending me as ñutty as them!! Got interrupted a...

Norman Wisdom-esque moment

Now I know this wìll sound like a porkie-pie but I promise you hand on heart it...
Westcott profile image

Is it beneficial moving

I am newly diagnosed but thinking of moving from our 3 bed , two story Victorian...
Patxx profile image

Feeling isolated & not being listened to.

We have just moved house and signed up with a new doctors. I was speaking to he...
Bizzyissy profile image

Groundhog day part 2 (some days later)

Well so much for getting back to you tomorrow! Horribĺe few days, have now got ...
Westcott profile image


Morning all, a question or two on CPAP machines. Graham is now having a trial of...
mandg profile image

Thursday Chuckle

Dave was bragging to his boss one day, "You know, I know everyone famous there i...

Thanks to you all and brain tissue donation

Everyone here has sent such lovely messages. Thank you all so much. One good th...

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