Posts - Multiple System Atrophy Trust | HealthUnlocked

Multiple System Atrophy Trust

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All posts for August 2022

Cisplatin based chemotherapy and neck irradiation for cancer has caused Parkinsonism/MSA symptoms in my husband and no diagnosis yet. Help.

My husband received treatment for head and neck cancer 10 years ago. He’s in re...
Jillian100 profile image


anyone have neuropathy?

Problem of clearing thick and sticky mucus

My husband has been struggling coughing up thick and sticky mucus day and night....
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Thursday Chuckle

It takes 7 seconds for food to travel from your mouth to your stomach. A human ...

Dead legs

Hi All I was diagnosed with MSA-C in March 22, my question is has anyone experi...
Diver23 profile image

New to all this.

After initially being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a few months ago, today...
BCFC100 profile image

Thursday Chuckle

A man walks up to the pub with an ostrich behind him, and as he sits, the bart...

When The Pain Starts

Hi - My Dad was diagnosed 2 years ago but he has had symptoms for about 10 year...
MSADaughter profile image

Fundraising for the MSA Trust

My husband was diagnosed with MSA P 2 years ago and the MSA Trust has been a gre...
Bailando profile image

Thursday Chuckle

Paddy wants a job, but the foreman won’t hire him until he passes a little maths...


Well, what a fantastic philosophy for anyone with MSA or any other so called "li...

Thursday Chuckle

A man was getting a haircut prior to a trip to Rome. He mentioned the trip to ...

Slow Progression

My husband (78) was tentatively diagnosed with MSA-P a year ago and after a posi...
Ruffner profile image


Hi everyone I wonder if anyone has been prescribed gabapentin For this beast of...
butlin profile image

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