Hi I'm 23 and I've never done anything like this before and I've always thought of myself as a strong minded individual so the way I'm feeling is very strange to me. Lately I've started to feel a lot more stressed than usual and am nervous about even doing the little things such as my job I think this is because something has gone wrong at work lately. I've got two fantastic children and an amazing girl that would usually help me get rid of stress as soon as I've seen them but it's not working lately and maybe talking to someone else might help?
Stress: Hi I'm 23 and I've never done... - Young Adult Stres...

Hi Reece,You're so welcome here, no need to feel worried about using our forum, we're lovely people, honest!
You seem to have identified what has caused this nervous stress, so if it is a work issue, can this be resolved do you think?
Let me know and we chat chat some more.
Hi Chloe, I've tried resolving the issue as much as possible but I can't do no more, I've offered them a refund but they haven't got back to me yet, I'm just constantly feeling scared that something is going to go wrong, I think I'm overthinking the whole problem but I can't seem to stop at the moment
Overthinking is a classic reaction stress, I'm guilty of that too!
I think you have covered what you can it seems to me, and it view of that, you can't do anymore, but what you do need is to get your stress under control. So, I think if you haven't already tried, give Mindfulness a go, start with the Bodyscan, it only takes abut 12mins, so you can do this whenever you feel it necessary, and listen on headphones.
Let me know how it works for you Reece.