Where do I begin!!!!
Weightlifting female : Where do I... - Weight training c...
Weightlifting female

This maybe vague but please start light and slow, I get all amped when I want to pick up the weights, then the next day I pay for it. Honestly start with your own body weight , many exercises on line have you use to ones own body as a weight. Pay attention, the next day you will feel sore note what areas feel (the good kinda sore ) and the other areas that (no way can I do that exercise again for a week, sore)It will show you what needs to be worked on. My legs are my strongest from years of running , however I can barely do 3 push ups.. get me? I would defiantly find some videos , and them when after a few weeks you want to start with the actual weight lifting follow a easy program and work yourself up to more intense ones. As tempting as it will be , you (have to rest each muscle group) I can't stress that enough and at least one rest day. I didn't say cheat day I said rest day.lol. it is overwhelming on searching for that program that fits. What kinda exercies do you enjoy? See what they have as far as bodyweight exercises. Or follow a beginners program for weightlifting. It will give you proper technique and how to adjust your sets.. Goodluck-now get to it!!!