New short film why its cool to be veg... - Vegan Foods for Life

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New short film why its cool to be vegan by Carl Donnelly launched today, part of World Vegan Month πŸ’š

β€’14 Replies

Hi everyone,

Here's a link to a new short film thats out today as part of WVM and it's only 3.5 mins here's an article about it. Which claims that 1/4 of 18to 24 year olds have turned vegan in the last year so how about that for a statistic. This is not just a fad its a lifestyle change for the benefit of all...πŸ’š

And a direct link to the video:

And Carl Donnelly the big vegan interview:

14 Replies
Agoodenough profile image

Cool 😎🌱

grace111 profile image

Thats so sad. I saw a programme on tv cant remember what its called but someone was cooking chicken and saw that there were red stripes on it that they hadnt seen on a chicken they were cooking before. It was discovered that the red stripes came from being an egg to a chicken on a supermarket shelf all within 40 days it was quite unbelievable and the red stripes were stretch marks with being forced to grow at that speed. im so glad i cant eat meat anymore. im still eating eggs and milk and even cheese. I'm stuck for words with myself.

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to grace111

Why do you eat eggs milk and cheese? Have you tried cashew or almond milk, you might like that and that would eliminate another one for you πŸ™‚

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to Agoodenough

Hi Agoodenough i was always a meat eater and only really gave it up because i felt to ill after removal of my gallbladder. I suppose i was brought up on meat and was never moral enough to give it up. I hate cruelty to animals. I suppose I'm to selfish a person. iv always been an animal lover and have always had pets.

iv always brushed it to the back of my mind and told myself about the fatted calfs they talk about in the bible. I always thought that coconut milk in food would be horrible but i have tasted it now and its lovely. as i said im stuck for words and cant make excuses for myself. not being a great vegetable cook im often stuck for ideas. although i do have someone who gives me cooking lessons occasionally and she is a cook in a vegan restaurant. I will just let it sit with me at the minute as i dont want to say i will give up eggs cheese milk and fish but i will see what happens in my mind and what thoughts or inspiration comes up.Im only talking about myself and i have no judgement on anyone who eats meats or fish or animal products. I have to say though i do admire people who have given up animal products for the sake of the animals. love grace xoxo

Agoodenough profile image
Agoodenough in reply to grace111

Well at least you are honest. I think that’s good. How amazing to have cooking lessons from a chef In a vegan restaurant. I hope you are enjoying that πŸ™‚

in reply to grace111

Very well said grace which to me shows that you're open minded and honest. 😊

jimmyq profile image
jimmyq in reply to grace111

I have been vegetarian most of my life. I am 62. I ate eggs, milk and cheese. Eggs most days, milk - only in brews due to sinus issues, cheese - a lot. My arteries blocked up. After years of problems with my blood pressure my daughter pointed me at a film called "Forks Over Knives". It is on Netflix and YouTube. It is about global medical heart research, including a massive study of 800,000 Chinese people. You might find it helpful, I did.

I have been on a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet since March and the evidence of my blood pressure (120/70), cholesterol (2.7) and pulse (50-60) indicate that my arteries are cleared. So, it has taken only 6 months. My doctor is gradually taking me off all the meds, the diuretics and statins have gone.

My BP has been as high as 240/140 and my cholesterol was 6.5 for years, nothing budged it until this diet.

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to jimmyq

i did see that film forks over knives and i may watch it again i also saw what the health on netflix as i have it and sky. i seldom eat eggs and try to keep the cheese down dont take cream or yogurt the cheese i mostly eat when i have it is brie. i was of all dairy foods for years but since i stopped eating meat i'v got back on the cheese as i dont know what else to eat. iv just cooked some brown rice and peas. I do have high blood pressure and am on 10mg of cholesterol over all was 3.2 as thats seemingly the important one and my pulse is resting rate between 58 and 63. i have a fit bit with a heart monitor but the strap broke yesterday. i'v only had it a year and thats the second strap,im so annoyed.thats a good blood blood pressure reading you have. i have a home monitor and my blood pressure can vary. its not as good as yours. iv done a lot for my health and i have not seen any miracle cures like on those videos to be honest. mind you i do eat sweets and i get massive cravings for things. You never mentioned if you smoke or ever smoked. i did and have been of the ciggs for 7 years on the 4.11.2018 i have been keeping a note of my blood pressure for the 12 years at least because i was on hrt and had it checked every 6 months and then they send me to wear a blood pressure monitor and i never got blood pressure tablets then i got them around 2 years ago. when i started with 5mg and and kept and eye on it and now on 10mg. well done for changing your diet its not easy. i do a lot for my health. i exercise and have done all im capable of at the time i will continue to try but not everyone who eats cheese and eggs and milk are having heart attacks. my mother lived for years and she ate everything infact her she ate lots of those fancy meats and pasies i was always telling her off. if i dont enjoy my diet i will give up. i do like cheese. im thinking of trying vegan cheese and see if i can like that. thanks for you post.πŸ˜€

jimmyq profile image
jimmyq in reply to grace111

I saw "What The Health" before "Forks Over Knives". I think the former is more about American meat production and we have better laws here but not perfect.

When you were off all the dairy foods, what happened to your cholesterol?

Regarding meat replacement, we eat a lot of beans, peas and pulses. Every day, in fact. They are necessary to get the protein. Some of them contain more protein than meat. If you want to give a WFPB diet a try, see if you can borrow a cookery book on it, from friends, relatives, library.

"not everyone who eats cheese and eggs and milk are having heart attacks" that's true but by not having them (I hope) I am reducing my chances of having a heart attack.

We enjoy our food. We are going through the "How Not To Die" cookbook and ticking the recipes we like. The ones we put a cross on usually contain something we can't buy in Blackburn or are too complicated but there aren't many of them.

A bonus is that our kitchen is cleaner. No fat covering the walls, etc. Less smelly.

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to jimmyq

thanks for your reply. i will have a look at that diet. i dont want to say to much as this is the vegan part of the forum and I'm not one yet.

jimmyq profile image
jimmyq in reply to grace111

There are a few people on here who are not vegan. Don't worry about it. We are all here to help each other.

in reply to jimmyq

Thats right Jimmy, VFL is for vegans and anyone with a healthy interest in a plant based diet. πŸ‘

grace111 profile image
grace111 in reply to jimmyq

jimmy i sent you a message today but i dont know if you got it as i couldnt get that face on the mail i tried to copy and paste it i still have it the letter. i dont think you got it. let me know please. thanks grace xoxo

jimmyq profile image
jimmyq in reply to grace111

I got it. Thanks.

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