Could long flights, a chest infection and s... - Vasculitis UK
Could long flights, a chest infection and stress cause a flare up of vasculitis after a 7 month period of it being gone?

With many of the vasculitides the chances of flaring are quite high. The things you mention could contribute, but there are other factors which might be playing a part.
Sometimes we can hazard a guess at what caused it - some infection, medication stopping working, body not coping with drugs at too low a level, any number of things.
If you think you are flaring then you need to be contacting your consultant.
Hope that helps.
Before I did my travelling I had numerous blood tests all showing negative inflammation. Now the specialist seems to think it was just the flying but I am afraid another bout is coming. I seem to have developed depression with this and wonder does it happen to other people too

Hi Joybelle
My answer would be a resounding yes to the original question. In the first few years after my diagnosis I found that long haul travel, particularly if the holiday was a more active kind and any sort of stress could bring on a flare. As Patricia says you should see your consultant as you may need high dose steroids or other meds to get it under control. Depression is certainly something that can come with this diagnosis because you are almost having to grieve for the life that you led before and realising that you may need to step it down a gear. I was automatically given antidepressants on diagnosis but never took them, but maybe his is something you should consider for a while.
Hope you get some help soon.
Thanks for the answer. I am struggling with this as it seemed to come out of the blue, seemingly after a cholera vaccination, now I find I am fearful all the time, thinking it will come back, it has certainly changed my life.

Being stuck in an aluminium tube for a long period of time leaves anyone open to picking up bugs and infections let alone spmeone who's immune system is supressed. Visiting exotic places where hygiene is not at the top of the list also puts people at risk... also disrupted sleep patterns ... these are all ingredients for a flare. As Lisa and Pat have already said talk things over with your doctor.. you just may need some extra help to get you over this bad time you are experiencing. We always tell people who have been newly diagnosed with Vasculitis, life has not come to an end it is just going to be very different and you have to adjust. Lisa made an excellent point that you maybe grieving for the life you had before.... but you just have to adapt your life differently..John always says "Life will never be the same again, it will be different but not necessarily worse, it might even be better." Try and think positvely and hope you soon well again soon...
Susan x
I have no prove, but I went on a 4 hr flight, feeling tired and strained wrists, which we thought was work related, taken ill on arrival and was flown home by air ambulance 4 weeks later and diagnosed with PAN 2 weeks after arrival back in the UK.
hi Flying seems to be a trigger for this to flare again I feel.
Hi, I have Wegeners and have just returned from a holiday in New Zeland. OK, the flights were exhausting and uncomfortable and before going I did not know how I would be affected. However my opinion is I must stay positive and that my illness will not stop me from living as normal a life as I possibly can. I had a wonderfull holiday and have suffered no side effects since returning.
hi That is good for you, there seems to be no real pattern to a flare up but I am Australian and the cold in England could have possibly affected me but who really knows.