Hi all, day 8 of mycophenalate, but for the past few days have had this stabbing pain in my right ribs. Skin feeling itchy all over, nausea, no appetite and generally blah. Anyone know if this a side effect of meds.
Advice please: Hi all, day 8 of mycophenalate... - Vasculitis UK
Advice please

Debba I think you should talk to your consultant asap about these new symptoms. Any new or recurring symptoms should be investigated.
What medication were you taking before the MMF? Have you ever been given Cyclophosphamide as an initial treatment?
Thanks Suzy, I have tried several meds with reactions to all. Off methotrexate 2 weeks ago as it wasn't helping at all even though I was tolerating it. Just hope I'm not coming down with shingles. Have not been on cyclophosphamide.
I'm sure it is nothing related, but my hubby was itching head to toe (had back ache not ribs) but was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He also had dark urine, light stools and starting looking jaundiced (yellow skin).
I had itching in the past, and it drove me nuts. I cannot remember what it was, but I spent HOURS soaking in Aveeno (packets you buy at Walmart that are powder and oil based) to stop the itch. I also took benedryl which made me sleepy but curbed the itching. Just always wise to check it out strange physical ailments. Good Luck! Darby
Hi Debba.
I have MPA which was diagnosed 14 months ago now, I too am on mycophenolate, I take two 500mg in the morning and same again in the evening. You havn't said what you suffer from?
I don't know if your itchy all over feeling is what I have but its like being constantly cold!
I didn't think of the meds causing it but I suppose what your feeling could be the same sort of sensation. I wondered if it was nerve damage as I'm not cold to the touch but shivery inside and always complaining about being cold inside! I also have a dry cough which could also be down to the meds, I would think that it will affect us in differing ways?
I don't have the other symptoms you mention though.
All the best to you anyway, and in other respects the mycophenolate is working well calming down the immune system and I expect to be taking it now for the foreseeable future!