Hi, wondered if anyone has had any experience of testicular vasculitus and the treatment they've had for it?
Testicular vasculitus: Hi, wondered if anyone... - Vasculitis UK
Testicular vasculitus

We do know of cases 35merlin for both Polyarthritis Nodosa and Wegeners Granulomatosis (GPA) maybe someone in this group will answer your question , if not I will see if I can ask someone to talk to you.
Best Wishes
When I first presented with WG I suffered testicular involvement which was, at the time, defined as Orchitis. It subsided with Cyclophosphamide treatment and has never bother me since.
Hi, oh ok thanks, how long roughly did it take to subside?
It resolved fairly quickly - within 10 days of starting drug treatment. My worst affected organs were my lungs and kidneys - that was 5 weeks!
Oh ok, yes that's quick. Were your lungs and kidneys affected by a different type of vasculitus or was it linked to the same kind that affected your testes?
It was all Wegener's related. My kidneys were the biggest problem. I was a day away from dialysis but my kidney function recovered just in time - on Christmas Day!
That was 23 years ago. My kidney's function well now.ni had a brief relapse involving my eyes 10 years ago and managed to stop Azathrioprine and Prednisolone completely 2 years ago. I am now completely drug free (for WG at least). I see my consultant and have blood tests (ANCA, CRP etc.) every six months so always feel 'safe'. Feeling safe is VERY important!
Hope this reassures you.
Good luck!
Do you suffer with back pain, for many years I have worked as an Osteo, you may find a muscle in your groin is twisted, it affects men more than women, as the pain goes into the testis, mainly one, by having the tendon/muscle manipulated the pain and swelling will go, almost instant,most people are crippled with the pain, why your back ?, its a reaction in the body to twist muscles to protect your spine...
I have PAN, and just before I was first diagnosed it was like someone had tied a 50kg weight around them and was pulling on the weight for all its worth. I walked like John Wayne. The pain only went when I was on an IV drip with 10mg of morphine every 6 hours; but at that time everything else was hurting too!
It will naturally subside as soon as the right treatment starts and inflammation markers start to drop.
Polyarteritis Nodosa. I've had 34 cyes of cyclo over the last years.