During the last 6 months my fingernails have... - Vasculitis UK

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During the last 6 months my fingernails have gone from being normal to full of vertical ridges. Some nails are worse than others has anyone

annie330 profile image
5 Replies

else experienced this or have any ideas on causes?

Thank you

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annie330 profile image
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cedric profile image


LynneJ profile image
LynneJVasculitis UKVolunteer

Mine are like that. I used to think it was lack of calcium but my niece (who does nails) says it is probably damage to the nail bed which would make sense, as a lot of our the blood vessels have been inflamed or damaged. That is only my opinion though, no medical back up.

Practical side, I use a file that has three kinds of buffers on and that smooths them out for a while and makes them really nice and shiny. You can also get some hand creams with nail stuff in them and can be rubbed into the bed. (Nail bed, that is not the sleeping one!)

Best wishes


annie330 profile image

I've had one round of cyclo but that was back in 2009, then I was moved to rituximab. I've had that five times (just had infusion 1 of the 5th cycle on Tuesday)

BronteM profile image

My nails have had vertical ridges for years...two nails are so bad that they keep splitting down the ridge, and I have to keep filing them and keep them very short. I've tried different creams and treatments, but none have stopped the splitting. No one that I showed them to thought that this was a serious problem. But I've wondered since I was diagnosed, whether they were warning sign? Probably were if they are a sign of poor circulation.

countrylady profile image

I was diagnosed with WG 2010 and since then all my nails have developed those vertical ridges. I had chemo with cyclophosomide and then went on to methotrexate but the nails have got worse over the years. I just thought it was part of the disease/drugs as my rheumatologist often takes a close look at my hands but doesn't comment on them. I'll ask him about it when I next see him.