Do you have access to your medical test resu... - Vasculitis UK
Do you have access to your medical test results online? Please answer yes or no, and add appropriate comments if need be.
I've never requested or been offered this facility
I've answered yes to the hospital but in reality I only have part of the results. I've changed hospital and region since starting treatment and the systems do not talk to eachother. I have no info from my earlier hospital at the start of my diagnosis
I have limited access with GP records via Systmonline, but only get info from hospital via copied letters sometimes!
No , in fact I have asked for the information at both my GP and Hospital in North Wales , both have said they are not allowed to give me any results via email , I requested it as an option as they said couldn't give them over the phone either.
I have to put in a request form each time I want any test result information and then give them three days before I can pick it up. I can't even put the request in overdue phone and fill the form in when I arrive to collect so it means two trips .
I can't get my results online from my Rheumatologist in England either , but I can get emails from the Department nurse with some results if they are abnormal or need addressing quickly
I am in the US and also have access via the national lab that does the blood draw, if I do it there. Records are deemed to be ours as much as doctors property.
I have access through patient view through the hospital in the UK.
Just get hospital results through Patient View
I get results from addenbrookes via MyChart. Can be a bit patchy at times although they have now said results will be available as soon as the are ready when in the past someone had to authorise. I don’t have results from gp or other two hospitals I visit.
I’v got just medications and can get appts. Iv asked for online access and they are saying it takes time. However we are now 3 years on from the original start date for online access for all and the surgeries were given approx 2? Years beforehand to get it all done.
No... for me... I am only sent a copy by email by my GP if I request a copy.
Via renal patientview, but they don't include ANCA results
GP results through Patient Access. Hospital results through Patient View, but these do not include ANCA data.
I am not aware of how you would be able to access the information?.. Should the information be available to view or access at any time? I am in Scotland and as far as I am aware you need “special dispensation “ to gain access to your medical notes !... If this is wrong then I would like to see the information.
I find it a struggle just to ask for results and only get a limited amount of information in response!... Any help would be nice to have in order to get a clearer picture of how my health is at this moment in time! I feel like I have been put through a few different treatment plans- but in a hurry with not a lot of time to consider if it would be an advantage or not? Also not being fully informed as to what the hope is for the end of the treatment but going almost straight from one to the other with no great explanation. Now sitting hoping to hear from someone exactly what has or has not improved as a result of the latest treatment regime?
I receive copies of the letters sent to my GP regarding my visit to the clinic, but the test results are always missing. I have asked for them to be included, but all to no avail.
I used to have patient view in Scotland but now in france l just get my results from the laboratory or my professor of nephrology.
It’s amazing, I receive the results within two days of having the blood tests. Same with prescriptions on line, ready to collect at the chemist two days after requesting on line. All the best cc 🤗
I get copied in on hospital letters with relevant results.
I only have GP but not local or specialist centre hospitals and the local hospital and the specialist hospital have differing calibrations if some tests ..i.e ANCA Really frustrating and just plain silly’s shared care so why isn’t it shared test results ...??????
It’s very helpful and great to have access to your medical records online, especially for tests and bloodwork.
I didn't even know that this was possible
Some results, such as Anca, are not given but they do give results of methotrexate test on my Patient Access she.
I’m a USA member of health unlocked. You didn’t specify if you wanted only UK members to respond.
Live in N Wales , if I happen to see my GP in surgery ( a rarity!) she will print out results , I do get copy of rheumatology clinic letters sent to me but not results
I am not totally confident anyone is looking at the results every month so I like to monitor them myself
Yes for routine blood tests, but I can't get access to the results of special tests like those for ANCA levels in Vasculitis.
No for me. I registered online. When I wanted my blood test results, something came up saying I couldn't have access? Next time I tried to make GP appt, was told password not accepted. Just gave it all up. At hospital, with a consultant, I ask, and get, a letter. Same with GP.
Only if I request them.
Answered no in that I cannot directly access them. I can ring the rheumatology nurse and ask them to send me a hard copy, would be great to have direct access as this would save the time of the nurses having to answer my call and print and send results out.
I believe I can get blood test but that is all and results are highly technical and need to be explained
I have Biopsy proven PACNS for over 4 years and thankfully are currently in remission. I'm unaware of any facility to read my results online. I have an excellent neurologist who arranges MRI brain scans and writes to me with results. My other routine blood tests for Methotrexate etc are undertaken through the Rheumatology department and are automatically assessed. I am contacted by letter if there is an issue end have a repeat blood test if necessary.
I Assume that I have access, my Consultant ALWAYS put my latest 'Results' on the Screen, when I attend a Clinic Appointment. My GP, who I have had for about eighteen months, is Lovely, I MIGHT even be able to request these 'On Line'- I can certainly order repeat Prescriptions. Next time I'm actually 'In', the Surgery I'll ask.
I can see my Patient Notes at the GP but very rarely do they have hospital results.
I don't have access on line but would like to be able to view results
cannot view results myself; have to request results from either my GP or hospital consultant
I get hospital results (apart from ANCA) via Patient View and a copied letter. Some GP results also link in on Patient View (cholesterol and renal function) but others I have to ask for.
Hardly ever get blood tests despite having iv steriods and Mepo injections every 28 days at hospital. Have asked my consultant. He said don't need them don't show nothing. I only get the m when I insist evrn thrn never know the results. Said saud ask GP for normal bloods to be done. GP will do them 6 monthly but refused to get district nurse in to do bloods. Iam housebound so hard to get to local hospital for them and often too ill. I am a vegan too but least i am getting a nurse doing my B12 injections but they won't order bloods. Madness. So much money wasted in NHS. I have to go many miles each month by hospital transport to get my Mepo injections that take minutes, plus back again for in steriod infusions. That is twice per month. My licsl hosoital under a mile away too but they don't d Mepo and they cannit access my port for the iv steriods. I have tried everyone. Just such a waste of NHS time and money let alone making me ill. I am trying again on Monday to lonk my Mepo injections with my IV Steriods. That will save one hospital transport trip money for NHS and me energy. I spent all day going to hospital Thursfsy for Mepo and then back early again on Fruday for Steriods and Chemo infusion. Luckily I got bloods done this time. Had my Port almost 4 years it is fantastic nevet any infections. Local and London Hospitals will not use or access them because of infecton. Done correctly there is no risk. I have mine accessed at Addenbrookes and they are fantastic. Done to strict protocol it works. Saves so much time and pain. Thrsr6 ports are fantastic. Especially as have no veins left. Have always had many infections etc with cannulas etc, even a blood test has caused problems too but never by permanent port.
Been late for every operation i have had because they cannot get access. Doctors and nurses want to use my Port but hospital won't let them learn or use it. Madness. So many hours wasted I usually end up on operating theatre with them hildung the cannula in my foot then waking up with it somewhere else. I know I am not the only one me at least 5 patients in infusion bay same problem.
I am in the southern US and have one of the Kaiser Permanente self paid plans (Kaiser Permanente Southern Region/Georgia). I have been with them since maybe 2007 when we had it as a company insurance plan. I think I have only starting using their web portal in the past 6 years or so, and the features and reliability of the web portal have improved over time. Kaiser is an inclusive plan, so they have their own facilities to provide heaIth services to their members, including GP, specialists, imaging, pharmacy, labs, emergency and urgent care. Hospital and surgery services are provided by partner medical centers, by Kaiser physicians.
I have access to all of my lab results online, as soon as they are completed and posted, in some cases, within the same day, so I see my results at the same time as any of my physicians would. Some of my lab data goes back to 2008 I think. If I have gone to one of the partner medical centers, as I did when I was diagnosed, then tracking down the records generated during a stay is much more difficult , even though they may tell you that the results and records are available that way.
I have to say that since I became aware of the service, I have been dedicated to using it and I like being able to see my results for myself. You can even graph results over time, pretty cool. I get see how my A1C has climbed steadily over the recent years as a result of daily prednisone doses. And my weight.... Especially cool to see the results very quickly, when I have to have blood drawn every 6 weeks. If I had to wait for mail, it would probably take a couple of weeks right there.
Dear Viv,
I NOW have a Lovely G.P., I have had for about a year now, and also a Wonderful Hospital Consultant. Dr Andi, my Hospital Consultant, ALWAYS angles, the screen, so that I and my Mother, can read the same as he can. I have never asked, but if I ever did, I'm sure that he WOULD 'Copy' me anything I required. I'm sent a copy of ALL the Blood tests, as a mater of course.
I, Really DO, consider myself fortunate to have such Wonderful Doctors, who are SO caring and Open. I'd give them both 400,000,000 out of ten! Interesting Results though Viv.
Really difficult to obtain results about any test. When I ring re results I am told the doctor has passed them as normal. As a retired RGN I would prefer to look at them myself. Jan 22
Yes I have access to both
very helpful
I usually get to see my results approx 6 to 7 hours after blood has been drawn,
Monthly blood results through Patient Access. GP supplies ID, etc, fir you to set up on line and then you can customise log in. I usually request a copy of full results from GP so I can compare with previous months. I haven’t checked how quickly results appear on line (will do now) but I usually leave 3-4 days from bloods taken to call GP fir copy.
There are other apps that allow patient’s to access their notes/results, book GP appointments or request repeat prescriptions.
Just as a side line - last time I went to pick up my Methotrexate, the Pharmacist couldn’t find my drugs. Hopefully whoever picked them up by mistake read the packet before taking!