There may be a seasonal pattern to Vasculit... - Vasculitis UK

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There may be a seasonal pattern to Vasculitis symptoms first starting, can you narrow down when your symptoms started?

John_Mills profile imageJohn_MillsVolunteer158 Voters

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26 Replies
Albasain profile image

I had a bad cold that I couldn't shake off, then I flew to Australia to help out with my new born twin grandsons. My wife, who had flown out a month earlier was shocked to see that I had lost a lot of weight.

While I was there I was walking my granddaughter to nursery school about two kilometres away and on the return journey My legs grew very tired and I had to rest. That was in August 2009. I wasn't diagnosed with vasculitis until 2012

silversurfer48 profile image

Difficult to pin down as looking back I was ill for a couple of years before being rushed into resus in November 13.

John_Mills profile image

I had experienced a very bad winter in 2000, health wise, aching legs, sinus problems etc. Went skiing in January 2001, could not lift my legs to ski at all. I felt as though I was skiing in treacle. I was diagnosed in April 2001 after coughing up blood.

longbank123 profile image

December 2012 symptoms started

woollysox profile image

Had to take time off work with splitting head and neckache late Jan/Feb 2014, then same time this year had 3 strokes which were ultimately diagnosed as cerebral vasculitis.

suzyjeremy profile image

Spring 2010. I had flu like symptoms and problems with my breathing. I went to see GP on a day off from work and she sent me to A and E. My oxygen levels were very low and she thought I may be having a heart attack. Docs there said it was my lungs not my heart and there were more questions than answers and that's where my journey with vasculitis began.

MiaTilehurst profile image

It took more than 8 years to be diagnosed so it is impossible to pin down when my symptoms started. However in the 10 years since diagnosis I experience a flare every Spring.

JacquiM profile image

Normally not one for colds etc but I suffered with lots of colds; heavy colds; chest infections; aches from October 2007.

I had never ever felt so ill as I did from January 2011 until I was hospitalised in March 2011 due to Kidney failure and with so much pain everywhere feeling very, very, very poorly indeed :-(

Jacqui :-)

amms43 profile image

Flew back from a very hard working trip to America end of July. Developed a cough which got worse and worse and developed into pneumonia and a week in hospital in early September. First vasculitis rash appeared late August. Seemed to get better over several months but then flares and not diagnosed for almost 7 years.

metalback profile image

I know I was diagnosed in March but I had symptoms from January. But there were signs the August before.

alybill profile image

I was told CSS certainly was a spring/summer condition by my consultant.

fredauk profile image

Developed a cold that I could not shake off, began in summer of 2013, after several weeks of various antibiotics and blood tests that showed my body was trying to fight something, my doctor had me admitted to hospital in the October for various tests, they first ruled out tb and leukemia, then had ct scan where it showed large vessel vasculitis.

pinney profile image

Mine started around Feb with sinus symptoms, 3 lots of antibios, followed by asthma in the April (which didn't feel like my asthma normally did!) steroids on and off for 8 weeks plus! Nothing to be seen on chest x-Rays.

In the sept holiday Ireland, where I felt chronic gut issues and nerve issues in foot started. Diagnosed CSS following A&E in October!

cazy-g profile image

Hi there ,I have voted and spring is the time when I first noted minor symptoms which went on for about 12 months and then developed into very acute symptoms the following early spring .Spring has also been the time when 2 relapses have occured .

Compo34 profile image

The first time my MPA began was probably Summer 2009. I went into remission but have since had 3 flare-ups - 1. Autumn, 2. Summer, 3. Winter so there does not appear to be any pattern.

AllyGY2013 profile image

Flu-like virus that left me with persistent cough and recurrent sinus problems.

zoe69 profile image
zoe69AdministratorVolunteerVasculitis UK

Started last September with two small ulcers at the legs, GP thought it was infection and gave antibiotica. Started to heal very slowly. Then the first week of November I got a rash, joint pain and swelling, high temperature and high blood pressure...GP suspected autoimmune disease, took bloods and sent me to hospital...3 weeks later I had a non anca associated vasculitis diagnosis and the journey started.

Doghouse profile image

I felt unwell at the end of August but nothing specific, in September I developed a breast abcess and down hill until December 2012 when I was diagnosed with GPA .

braindamage profile image

I started with painful rashes on my legs which were diagnosed as an allergy to our old cat. Over the next year I gradually got worse and was prescribed Gaviscon for heartburn. Finally, after my last trip to visit my Mun-in-law, I collapsed. GP was on holiday and, as I was in excruciating pain, I was seen by a Locum who prescribed 250mg antibiotics and was advised to take 16 500mg paracetamol per day for the pain.

I eventually ended up in A&E after collapsing at home. My Wife was advised to prepare for the worst.

I'm still here even after a close shave. I've learned a great deal since then. Sadly, some Doctors haven't.

I voted cannot,

I know when I became very ill, but I understand, the first symptoms, were there 4 or more years previous.

I thought it was just flue, or a recurring bad cough


ryjaro profile image

I developed what i thought was a touch of flu, it progressed for three/four weeks by then i was in a great deal of pain could barley walk without lot of pain had to be pushed up the stairs,then my skin began to mottle and the GP sent me to hospital after a week and lots of tests referred back to my Rheumatology specialist , who was very on the ball sent me for lots of test and diagnosed April 2013, can't fault my specialist. Dr Price Forbes Coventry.

cedric profile image

had rash Christmas eve2011 went to drs beginning of January sent me for blood tests referde me to a kidney dr the day of my appointment I felt ill breathing bad done xray went home breathing got worse phoned ambulance was admitted to hospital felt realy ill had loads of tests breathing got worse had xray found I had phemonia was in a month they told me I had vasulitus but not know wich one until sept 2012 I have cry globian anmemia excuse spelling

Symptoms actually started after cancer treatment, which was about June 2013. But I didn't know what it was until September 2014. Timing might have been coincidental, so can't really be sure.

A_14 profile image

Symptoms started Jan/Feb with severe joint pain, eased off during July/August then started to flare up again late Sept/Oct when diagnosed with WG after going to A&E

rob-m profile image

I was sent home 3 times by my GP and then sent home by the hospital once until I finally collapsed in work ,I was very weak and aching with red swollen limbs and one hell of a bad throat , my hands and feet turned black and i was hurting . I went back to GP and then she give me letter to take to hospital to be admitted , I had no diagnosis for 7 weeks as they did not know what i had and would not take a guess which slwed down the treatment i was tested for everything i went without proper medication until the consultant finally put me on steroid's and said it was a form of vasculitus but not which one until months later, I have been told its Anka .He even called my family in to tell them I don't look good for me as I lost all my muscle and dropped to 10 stone from a fit and healthy 14 stone rugby player , the damage was done I cant walk ,sit for a long time as I will swell up , can not do any physical activities or anything that will hurt my joints and muscles .I had septicaemia too in hospital and don't know if it was part of my illness or the illness made me worse as not diagnosed sooner .This is only a quick reply as after 7 years of this horrible disease I have now bergers disease and lymphedema ,im on mst ,gabapentin and a load of other tablets but its too late nothing is improving I am just staying the same

Gaint Cell Arteritis and PMR flared in late September 2013.