"IF" you have taken Methotrexate & have had ... - Vasculitis UK

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"IF" you have taken Methotrexate & have had both oral & injection/pen which do you think causes less side effects, please make any comments

Suzym2u profile imageSuzym2uModeratorVasculitis UK35 Voters
only ever had oral
Less side effects with Injection/Pen
only ever had injection/pen
Less side effects with Oral
16 Replies
hamble99b profile image

since learning about the pen, at the Manchester Vasculitis conference, I am going to ask my consultant for a trial.

MiaTilehurst profile image

Changing to injection improved the efficacy of the drug and meant not having to increase the oral dose further. I have now changed to the Pen and it is much easier to administer. It is also easier to travel with than injections - less problems at airport security.

pwc51 profile image

Still feel ill with the injections but less so than with the tablets. I have just received my first pens (next week will be the first use). I never had problems with the injections and airport security.

BronteM profile image

Felt completely dreadful when on the oral tablets. Asked my (then) rheumy about injections, but he told me that he thought them a waste of time, and the tablets would be fine if I fussed about them less. Changed hospital.

in reply to BronteM

Good for you BronteM! That made me smile 😄

ryjaro profile image
ryjaro in reply to BronteM

My hospital changed my tablets to injections, i did not ask or wanted to change but i did and they are okay although they do make me feel a little nauseas for a couple of evenings usually when i lie down ready for sleep. wishing you all the best,x

Well, you know why, Bronte..He's not taking it himself lol

I didn't have any side effects with either oral or injection. Unfortunately methotrexate worked quite well for me 5 days out of 7, leaving me really symptomatic again for the other 2.

I didn't have any side effects at first, but only started on 7.5mg. As the dose got higher (maximum 20mg) I used to get nausea and blackouts. So went on injection (not pen). Now on 25 mls and although I still get some nausea, it's nowhere near as bad as when on tablets.

Suzym2u profile image
Suzym2uModeratorVasculitis UK

Thank you for all your input the information has been very useful :-) we are hoping to be able to talk to the company who provide Metoject and the medical profession before the Patient Symposium in April.


I didn't know people had such negative reactions to this drug. I was blissfully unaware. I take 25mg (10 tablets once a week) and have no complaints. Guess we are all different.

orsen-trapp profile image

Reading all the comments here and elsewhere has made me much more informed about methotrexate. If my rheumy decides to put me on it when I see her in just over a week, I'll at least have some options to discuss. However, I hope it won't come to that!

AndrewT profile image

I take such a 'concoction' of drugs with, rather strangely, not too many side effects. Yes constipation/stomach ache/wind, odd aches & pains (though this could, very well, be part of my condition) and 'on-going' problems with my teeth. Mind you I don't complain, after all, 'tummy ache' is a small price to pay for my continued life! At least, if my mouth, stomach, head, or indeed anything hurts then I must still be alive, mustn't I?

orsen-trapp profile image

Update: experienced nausea and very unladylike belching on the oral mtx so asked if I could try the Metoject pen (didn't give my rheumy the option of offering an ordinary syringe version!). Took the first one today under the 'supervision' of the GP, who'd never seen one before so, as I'd read the instructions, simply watched me! He was supposed to be showing me how to use it but never mind :P It was so easy and painless to use and I'm now waiting to see if the mtx hits me like a ton of bricks (should that be a tonne, now we're all metric??) sometime in the next 48 hours as the oral version did.

Maxine-59 profile image

Have inky taken one dose of oral to date - experienced dizziness and nausea for the day after, but nil else so far.

57chrissy profile image

Im on oral for passed 3 mths. The only problem I have at the moment is a very swollen right foot and leg. My right foot and calf is double the size of my left, it is like a big blister full of fluid. I have been tested for deep vein thrombosis and kidney problems both ok. I have seen both Rhuematology and Renal consultants neither can tell me why this is or what to do to about it.