Introduce yourself to the community! - USAllergies


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Introduce yourself to the community!

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Why not to start with introducing yourself to the community? You can write about your condition, life experience.. also can ask own questions here:

1 Reply

Hi Everyone.. I have allergies, asthma, and a few other autoimmune diseases. About 10 years ago I had an Al Cat (Allergy Categorization) test done (so did my hubby) and we discovered that we have a host of allergies - most we had no idea. While I have not had anaphylactic reactions from anything I can tell with some things immediately, like with wheat and gluten. Actually I have started thinking I am reactive to carbs in general. They make me feel bloated and uncomfortable.

I am a Certified Herbalist, and tend to try to more naturopathic solutions when possible.

I hope everyone is having a great day and is not to sneezey or wheezy today..

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