Food allergys or seasonal : I get a numb tongue... - USAllergies


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Food allergys or seasonal

kkgirl profile image
14 Replies

I get a numb tongue and my throat feels like it's swelling when I eat coconut peanuts or tree nuts and also get hives so I was advise by my doctor to stay away from them until further testing..

Hives and numb tounge have gone away

I do at times feel a funny feeling in my throat when I am out side and my eyes itch and get all nasty, and my ears hurt..

I am already taking allergy medication every Day...

I was just curious if seasonal allergys can cause numb tounge.

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kkgirl profile image
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14 Replies

Hi KKGirl - I Googled exactly that and came up with a lot of sites that say "yes" allergies can cause tongue numbness, although not necessarily mentioning the "seasonal" part... If you are having that reaction though, that seems like a big reaction to me. Please stay away from the nuts until you can get to the doc.

The other thing you can do to check for an allergy is to take a piece of the food or substance you suspect of causing the issue (just a small piece mind you), and place it on the inside of your forearm. Then wrap it gently in soft cotton.. I use an old strip of t-shirt to hold it in place, then I put a sock with the toes cut out over that. Watch it for a while. If it starts turning red and / or itching, you are probably at least sensitive to the substance. However, for the items like nuts that you already know gives you hives, I wouldn't do that.

Let us know what the doc says when you do get your testing...

kkgirl profile image
kkgirl in reply to

Thanks!. I have an appt today with my doctor in a few minutes. I'll let you know :).

kkgirl profile image
kkgirl in reply to

Just wanted to let everyone know what happen at allergist...

Allergic to peanuts,coconut, dairy,soy, wheat (also habe celiac but already had that). And all the environmental tests he did came back positive. I had so many reactions my body went into shock and is still going into every now and then.. also spots that didn't show up are appearing 2 and 3 days later (so I have to call Monday) and let them know..

He also thinks I have something called Autoimmune Mast cell disease.. tests are I. Progress for that.

GaryRFitzgerald profile image

It does sound like you may have a serious nut allergy. Throat swelling is a big red flag. Definitely avoid these foods until food allergy testing. You could be at risk for anaphylaxis and may need to be prescribed an epinephrine auto-injector. You're doing the right thing seeing your doc.

kkgirl profile image
kkgirl in reply to GaryRFitzgerald

I was just prescribed an epi pen today..

And a refearl to the allergist.

I also notice my hands burn and i get blister like sores when I clean up wheat and my throat starts to hurt... I do not eat it because i have celiac disease. But I have to clean it up because I can't consume it... I just don't know when my mother is going to understand... u had all this stuff before no problems

kkgirl profile image
kkgirl in reply to GaryRFitzgerald

I haven't been home for a week and noticed nuts and coconut cause it. But when went home today and cleaned my kitchen from my mother's daycare my hands started burning and thorat hurt..

kkgirl profile image
kkgirl in reply to GaryRFitzgerald

Can you react to a allergy by breathing... i was doing the dished today and i was using hot water and i was completely fine. well i went to scrub the sink out and used dish soap and within seconds my throat hurt, felt funny and had a blood taste in it. i looked up the ingredients in the soap and sure enough 3 of the top 8 ingredients were made for coconut.

kkgirl profile image
kkgirl in reply to GaryRFitzgerald

Just wanted to let everyone know what happen at allergist...

Allergic to peanuts,coconut, dairy,soy, and wheat ( also habe celiac but already had that) And all the environmental tests he did ALLcame back positive. I had so many reactions my body went into shock and is still going into every now and then.. also spots that didn't show up are appearing 2 and 3 days later (so I have to call Monday) and let them know....

He also thinks I have something called Autoimmune Mast cell disease.. tests are In Progress for that.

Yikes - You do have a lot going on there sweetie - Good luck with getting that straight.. I will have to look at the mast cell disease.. know nothing of it... Hope you are feeling better today..

kkgirl profile image
kkgirl in reply to

K feel a little better I'm on steroids for 4 days and alot of antihistamines

Sachin1234 profile image

Where do you live?

I live in allergy capital Kentucky😁 I have 24 hrs 7 days a week pollen allergies for that I take 2 tablets clearatin-d everyday..even after medication I still get itchy throats, ear and headache too..

Yes, itchy dry throat, tingling mouth, no test bud, numbness in mouth, hives and swollen organs are symptom of allergies.

Breaking hives and swollen organs means you might have a serious allergies with things you have mention or something else so please check with allergist. You might have to carry epipen(anaphylaxis)

kkgirl profile image
kkgirl in reply to Sachin1234

Allergic to peanuts,coconut, dairy,soy, and wheat ( also habe celiac but already had that) And all the environmental tests he did ALLcame back positive. I had so many reactions my body went into shock and is still going into every now and then.. also spots that didn't show up are appearing 2 and 3 days later (so I have to call Monday) and let them know....

He also thinks I have something called Autoimmune Mast cell disease.. tests are In Progress for that.

Sachin1234 profile image
Sachin1234 in reply to kkgirl


You got to start carrying epipen!

Good luck and very careful what you eat outside!

kkgirl profile image
kkgirl in reply to Sachin1234

The allergist did not say anything about an epi pen he just said to take two Allegra and a prednisone and head to Dr office or er.....I do however have a epi pen because my primary prescribed it to me when I went in with issues

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