Just reordered this item which appears to be working very well and the price had jumped, in a month, for 200 x 100g capsules from c.£130 to over £300, has anyone got a reliable supply of the generic version?
Sodium Chromogligate: Just reordered... - The UK Mastocytos...
Sodium Chromogligate

Unless you're getting the branded Nalcrom (which would be an import) you are getting a generic version. I'd be interested to hear if that's the new price of the generic version!
it arrived today and yes it is the generic version £395 for 200. In Germany you can get Pentatop for110 euro £92 plus shipping for 100 BUT they do not ship to UK!! x arzneiprivat.de/product/pen.... Dock Pharmacy in UK advertise £270 for 200 capsules , but our supplier only advsied the price increase after we had sent the prescription! dockpharmacy.com/product/so...
Thanks for letting me know. The generics company entered the market, Sanofi who made Nalcrom left the market, and now the price has gone up, which is not the typical pattern when a generic appears. But if there is no competition it isn't so surprising. I don't know if the cost of the inputs has risen as well...
I just came across this where a Pharma company raised prices 10,000% from 70p to £70 and have just been fined: gov.uk/government/news/cma-...